
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dots, Dots, Dots

Ron Crawford at is busy once again connecting dots.I suspect that boy grew up with Erector sets and pick-up sticks and Lincoln Logs as his only toys.  Oh, and Battleship. Hip bone connected to the . . .


Ron said...

"I suspect that boy grew up with Erector sets and pick-up sticks and Lincoln Logs as his only toys."

Not my only toys, just my favorites.

LOVED Lincoln Logs! (Oh, and Legos.)

Ya know what the fundamental flaw is with behavior based marketing?

By nature, it leaves a MASSIVE paper trail... plenty of logs in which to build.

Thanks, again, for the link, Ann.

Churadogs said...

Ah, hah! Thought so. All that looking, picking, placing, just so . . . recognizing what needs to fit with what . . . In the child is the man.