
Monday, June 18, 2012

Ah, what's in a word?

Interesting story in Saturday's Tribune by David Sneed, about the Coastal Commission latest hearing of an appeal to revoke the sewer project's permit on account of claims that the commission's original approval "was based on false information from the county and state water officials."

The Tribune reported that Dan Carl, the commission's Central Coast regional director, said "he could find no evidence that the commission was intentionally misled."

Commissioner Jana Zimmer of Santa Barbara is further quoted as saying, of the revocation request, "I think it's really inappropriate to infer that the staff was bamboozled in any way." 

Does anybody but me find it deliciously funny that "unintentionally misled" is O.K. with the Commission while "intentionally misled" is a no-no?  I always thought misled was misled.

And as for Ms. Zimmer, I will have to presume she is unfamiliar with the infamous Coastal Commissioner who famously talked about "bait and switchy" at an earlier hearing.  When did "bait and switchy" separate out from "bamboozled?" I always thought if you had been bait and switched, you had been bamboozled.

Well, who knew?

Tuesday night, June 19th,  at the Los Osos Middle School from 7 - 9 pm. the county will be holding a public outreach meeting to begin to get information out on the construction schedule.

Chugga, chugga.  Bait and Switchy Train's now out of the station.  Unintentionally.  Woooo, Wooo.


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Anonymous said...

I don't think the Coastal Commission was actually saying that it was fine with them to be "unintentionally misled." When it comes to large-scale projects as large as these, you'll always come across mistakes, typos and misunderstandings. Error is usually excused as long as it's not a fatal mistake.

The Commission was looking for communicated intent by the County to mislead the commission, i.e. something in writing from a County official conspiring to falsify information. The LOSG's "evidence" didn't have it. Even their attorney Frank Angel didn't have a clue what the narrow burden of proof the CCC had for revocation.

You can't submit the same documents you had in 2010, and say the Commission didn't have that information already. That's a lot of wasted gas money to Huntington Beach.

Anonymous said...

Ditto with previous commenter. The snippet that was quoted in this blog misinterprets the spirit of the comment and the way the staff responded to the allegations. The allegations by the LOSG, and using the CCC guidelines, attempted to prove intent to misled period.

The only group trying to mislead the CCC was the LOSG. Instead, another out of the area attorney made some cash and added additional costs to the project, maybe "unintentionally" but you can bet that staff traveled on LO's dime to re-hash the same old same old. Thank you LOSG for all your efforts to use our assessment funds on staff time and unnecessary travel to tickle your whimsy.

I would much rather have them travel to WA.D.C. and work on lowering interest rates and finding money than be continually bamboozled by the fact that the LOSG and clearly the attorney, fundamentally had the issues confused. It's a waste water project that will help balance the basin and address sea water intrusion. It's not a sea water intrusion project that may or may not need a waste water project to help balance the basin. But as this community has seen before, and from this blog, the community likes to drive with the caboose in front and basically always head backwards which is exactly why the train leaves the track, the caboose can't steer.

oohc-oohc, agguhc, agguhc

Anonymous said...

The sewer is a disaster. Many will suffer. Many already have. When Cal Poly finally dumps Lou, the Tornatskis will be alone in their leather life raft riding the underground river of raw sewage out of town just like the rest of us. The arrogant fools don't have the brains to realize they're next. May the Pipes of Paavo run through them always.

TCG said...

Paavo Ogren did exactly what his Board directed him to do. From what I can tell, he has accomplished a very difficult task, at great professional and personal stress. I'm not sure that there is anyone else who could have acheived what he and his staff have on this project.

In my opinion, those who don't like having a very expensive sewer certainly have many other places to direct their anger and frustration.

Anonymous said...

Like where? The North Pole? Funny you don't give examples of "many other places."

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that there is anyone else who could have acheived what he and his staff have on this project.

I agree, but what has Paavo achieved? Cleansing of a community is not an achievement, it is a tragedy.

FOGSWAMP said...

I suspect that the 12 members of the CCC are not accustomed to being pilloried as a group of environmental hypocrites and that their "intentional/unintentional lawyer talk simply means "Mea Culpa".

Even if they disagree, they dare not ignore the long list of facts spelled out in the presentation now that it is documented.

Anonymous said...

Ann sez,

"And as for Ms. Zimmer, I will have to presume she is unfamiliar with the infamous Coastal Commissioner who famously talked about "bait and switchy" at an earlier hearing."

Oh, she's quite familiar. She served as special counsel to the recalled LOCSD board and argued against the last revocation of the Tri-W project, which County staff determined to be "socially infeasible."

See February 23, 2005 letter from Zimmer & Marcus LLP to the Coastal Commission:

Zimmer never mentioned that she was involved in the previous revocation attempt from 2005.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Ms. Zimmer was required to mention ex-partes on the revocation request before her. This is a different project than the one in 2005 in case you hadn't noticed Anon 9:55p.m.. She did mention her involvement with the LOCSD as I recall.

The long list of "facts" FOG are interpretations of facts by LOSG. Their laundry list was fully vetted in 2010. This was the second time around for some of the commissioners. So if commissioners had concerns in 2010, they were dealt with in the numerous conditions that they added to the project.

The community had 35 years to save up for this project. It is sad that the price has increased so dramatically, but that's how all prices work. 35 years ago in 1977, the US national average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was 66 cents - equivalent to about $2.37 per gallon in 2010. What is it now, around $4.45/gallon? So goes wastewater treatment.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Let me just add, that "socially infeasible" came down to just 20 votes. Hardly a landslide. Ancient history now with $189 million staring at us 7 years later.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Ann, I am glad that you accurately pointed out that it was ONE commissioner that used the term "bait and switch." Let me just add, that even with that phrase, the prior project was approved unanimously.

Churadogs said...

Anon sez:"Zimmer never mentioned that she was involved in the previous revocation attempt from 2005."

Ah, well, as long as her not mentioning this was "unintentional."

anonymouse sez:I don't think the Coastal Commission was actually saying that it was fine with them to be "unintentionally misled." When it comes to large-scale projects as large as these, you'll always come across mistakes, typos and misunderstandings. Error is usually excused as long as it's not a fatal mistake."

You raise an interesting point. Why not simply say, "yes, there was some misleading info here, but it doesn't rise to the level of 'fatal mistake' plus we have no email spelling out a conspiracy to intentionally deceive, complete with signatures, so we'll give this a pass." That would seem a clearer description than "unintentional misleading" & etc.

Toonces sez:"Ann, I am glad that you accurately pointed out that it was ONE commissioner that used the term "bait and switch." Let me just add, that even with that phrase, the prior project was approved unanimously."

What was funny to me was claiming no "bamboozlement" when "bait and switchy" is a synonym for bamboozle. A more accurate reply should have been, "Yes, the prior board was bamboozled but it didn't rise to the level of a "fatal bamboozlement."

Anonymous said...

There was no misleading information. No one on the CCC made a decision based on misleading information.

For a point of reference, the LOSG gives a list of facts that in and of themselves completely misleading. There needs to be a sewer project for basin management and to address seawater intrusion. That's the sequence. Not, we need to address sea water intrusion with a basin management plan that does not need a sewer project. Which as I have listened to LOSG and others, they have tried to bamboozle the community into believing this.

What is misleading is that they do it on our dime. Staff time and traveling to Hunington Beach comes out of our pockets.

To insinuate that everyone making decisions on this project is somehow being misled or fallible to the point of making a bad decision on behalf of the community, I would rather present the recall board of 2005. Not one single decision making body in the ENTIRE history of this project encumbered the community with with a multimillion dollar bill and CDO's.

If you list out the current complaints by LOSG, I cannot in good faith call them facts, and compare that to the list of the conditions on the current project, I am confident that the conditions make for a much better project than the LOSG's list of assumptions and misleading assertions based on fear and maybes.

Maybe it's time for you Ann to research WHO the bait and switch comment was intended for. My interpretation was for those who argued one way and then when the project complied argued another - some of the same folks who will march in front of the BOS today are the masters and mistresses to bait and switch.

Anonymous said...

Lynette, why are you still here? 2:44 AM, 2:49 AM and 3:04 AM? You're more honest when you're sleeping.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Today's BOS bait 'n switch - Julie - arguing at many points along our timeline that the wastewater project is too expensive, yet today she says we are not paying enough for the Giacomazzi property! Go figure that bizarre statement!

Billy Dunne said...

If Ann enjoys "deliciously funny" I'm curious why she doesn't comment on the collective class act that inhabits the BOS meetings each Tuesday morning. Puppet shows!! Yes, puppet shows!! And Richard Margetson's epic tales of his heroic "struggles" (his word) for 51% of Los Osos (51% who evidently look forward to paying the ever-rising price of his "heroics") But he's a hero by god. He struggles. Kind of a Los Osos sewer Mein Kampf if you will. If you don't believe it, tune in each Tuesday morning. He'll tell you himself, every chance he gets. And Julie Tacker and Jeff Edwards and Linde Owen proclaiming today that Los Osos is NOT PAYING ENOUGH for the project!! That's right. They actually advocated for paying more for the project today!! (Goodness was Frank Meecham's reaction perfect.) You can't make this stuff up. C'mon Ann. Give these people some "deliciously funny" love. They're priceless.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! There is reason though behind the pitiful cries to raise the cost of any sewer for Los Osos. Those who don't want any sewer have been doing everything they can dream up to make any sewer too expensive for anyone to pay! Thank you Ann in your unwavering support of those dreams. Thank you Ann for not paying for your name on those lawsuits to help increase all costs for any sewer in Los Osos!

Never have those few wanted to actually help Los Osos. They only want to keep any sewer out of Los Osos!

Aren't those pitiful few just hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it hilarious that the same anonymous people on Ann's blog rage against the same people for making the same arguments?

With all that free time, we could have built an affordable sewer!

Anonymous said...

We actually had one!

It was at least half the cost of this one. It met all legal requirements. It was state-of-the-art. It limited unrestricted growth.

It also offended a few folks sensibilities, so they elected a person of no moral character, a befuddled biologist and an easily led "engineer", all on the puppet strings of a fired/disgruntled SoCal sewer worker. And soon we had payoffs for lost lawsuits, payment to personal lawyers, a bankruptcy and total loss of the sewer project. Wow did Los Osos ever win with those crooks at the helm! And of course we still have the clowns parading their lack of civility befor the BOS.

Thank you for the circus, but the sewer has begun and the clowns are slinking out of town now that they've "won".

Anonymous said...

Yes, the crazies have been putting on quite a show. Desperate people do desperate things and they have absolutely no opening to do other than berate the BoS on Tuesdays.

Not only has construction started, but the Coastal Commission summarily dismissed their latest revocation request and made it clear that they (Commissioners) thought it a waste of their time.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of clowns, tell Lynette she can take the white makeup off now.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Today at the BOS, Margetson, professional "money shepherd" who personally nitpicks over every cent on CSD budgets is crowing about moving the sewer out of town and the other so-called "good deeds" the small vocal minority has brought about.

Hmmm- what would those be? A project that costs $189 million with 40 years to pay, liens against our houses, 7 lost years of significant water conservation (and counting), CDOs, NOVs, CSD bankruptcy, I'm sure there is more, but that is enough to start. Funny how you forget all that stuff when you are trying to defend an untenable position.

Anonymous said...

I like writing to myself anonymously because it makes my mostly irrational, extremist views seem justified!

It's so easy!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Billy Dunne. What the heck was that all about today? Then on top of it, they wanted to move it closer to town and then this afternoon, Mecham didn't understand the staff report and the budget vs engineers estimates and actually used the words "misled". I think he is being pulled by COLAB and pushed by the LO "sewer advocates". It's downright horrifying and frustrating to listen to him.

Sewernuts said...

Hi Anonymous person!

I wholeheartedly agree with you. We should celebrate people's suffering with a toast at the Merrymaker! I LOVE the sound of crying children!

Anonymous said...

Regarding Mr. Margetsons' comments at todays' BOS meeting:

If Mr. Margetson wants to believe his public comments about himself and the results of his 9 years of 'struggle' on LO sewer matters, then I say let him.

I just hope he realizes that the public is under no obligation to believe what he said or says; and that he does not get too upset as the pubic exercises their right not to believe him.

Anonymous said...

Funny that some anonymous person speaks for the "public." That's cute. Tell me more about the thousands of homeowners you don't represent.

Anonymous said...


I never claimed I represented anyone but myself.

The 'public', which is inclusive of us all, will decide for itself. And it will.

I (personally) have decided that Mr. Margetson is a delusional soul trying to justify that his 9 years of 'struggles' is not the huge failure it is. Nine years wasted. Wasted. That is just too much for his fragile ego to accept. Poor soul.

Anonymous said...

Wise people leave delusional souls to remain delusional. Talking about those "delusional souls" anonymously on a blog over and over again is kinda reminiscent of the "pot-kettle-black."

Then again, I guess posting on the Internet is an alternative to years worth of therapy and medication.

Anonymous said...

LOL Anonymous @ 6:27 PM, does speak for quite a few, while poor Mr. Margetson speaks for a very few.

Can someone explain how Mr. Margetson, who doesn't live in Los Osos, has any right to presume to speak for any in Los Osos?

Anonymous said...

That is why I wrote Mr. Margetson can believe whatever he wishes.
He will and does.

That said, he has no control on how others regard him.

I (personally) regard him little.

Regardless of my 'anon-hood', that is how I (and I may assume many others too) regard Mr. Margetson. And that ill regard is Mr. Margetsons' problem, not mine.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how Mr. Margetson, who doesn't live in Los Osos, has any right to presume to speak for any in Los Osos?
6:45 PM, June 19, 2012

It's not about "speaking for anyone in Los Osos." Mr. Margetson works with Julie and Gail to promote and protect their special interests and to lock up and control certain people. Always has.

Anonymous said...

In support of several of the anons I agree with all comments regarding Mr.Margetson's delusional soul and controlling nature. I also have developed little regard for the man and at times have downright resented how much he participates in discussions regarding LO in that he does not live here and will not be on the hook for the assessment. His mere presence and demeanor at many meetings is hostile and oppressive. He has a horrible shadow about him that causes quite an aversion. I guess I'm not strong enough and therefor do not get to speak up in public to speak my mind because it would not be in agreement with him and I can't take the glares and the muttering. Just can't do it. Wish that he wasn't at every single meeting.

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm not on the Margetson love-train either, but to talk about one guy so much is nuts. You go on and on about him like a jilted ex-girlfriend.

I could go on and on about the people who blog on here like "Sewertoons" because she's threatened and bothered people who've criticized the project. She and her husband Lou have broken the law and are under police supervision, but there's no outrage. I'd be more concerned about those who break the law than those who say stupid things one day out of the week.

Anonymous said...

I have found no proof of any that either Sewertoons or Lou have ever be charged with breaking any law.

I have seen one of the bloggers repeatedly make those statements, yet there is absolutely no ounce of truth, but the words of a sick vendictive person. Just pay your damn sewer assessment and shut up with your lies!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Thanks Anon 9:21 for speaking the truth.

Some person seems to have a great deal of twisty fun making this stuff up. No police supervision, no law breaking, just an Anon 7:30 P.M. fool who hides behind silly words that mean nothing to anyone but his-/her-self. Must have a burning need to bore people.

On another topic, the County meeting tonight was PACKED. Chief Veneris called out the Fire Safety Team to hover outside! There wasn't even standing room inside! The audience was very polite until the end when Linde started her dewatering diatribe. The only real break in civility. Al, Margetson, Julie, all silent.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If that's true, then that explains a LOT of things about why she acts the way she does on the blogs. That's sick, Lynette. Stalking seniors who you disagree with is pretty bad. You're not fit to judge anyone.

Anonymous said...

and if it's only a made-up piece of fiction, then it's just another nasty attempt at character assassination!

The truth is the fictional event never happened!

The person spreading that is a liar and we now know who they are!

Anonymous said...

What's odd is that that post was on Jan 6, 2011 and said that Gibson's office hours "a few weeks ago" was when it happened. I don't recall Gibson having office hours at the end of December right before the holidays? I don't think that ever happened either.

In regards to the meeting at the meeting last night, it seems as though the County can fill a room but it sure as heck appears that Margetson can't. Well done County team!! Thank you for your professionalism and on working so hard for the citizens of LO and hearing our voices through our votes, notes and overwhelming silence through the chaos.

Anonymous said...

The County team doesn't run this blog. Repeating yourself over and over again doesn't win any friends except at Atascadero State.

Anonymous said...

How come when you type Margetson's name into Google you discover he has no past? WTF!

Anonymous said...

Repeating yourself over and over and over and over in front of the BoS doesn't win any friends anywhere. But then we're sure you are perfect and have all the answers, over and over and over and over. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Look, doesn't everyone in town know Lynette is a mentally ill stalker and Lou a pathological hate blogger using multiple identities? Does the community know it? Does the Trib know it? Do the cops know it?

Why these miserable creeps enjoy living an inch from the Gates of Hell is anyone's guess. S&M? 666? Gibson 69? Like a female(?) Dorian Gray her deteriorating appearance reflects her inner corruption. It's comforting to see that Time the Great Equalizer is taking care of community business. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:49 is right here on the edge of slander by making up these insinuations with no truth behind the lies. That Anon is a very sick person who needs to be investigated and prosecuted so that the entire community knows exactly who they are! That Anon is very much a coward who is a afraid to provide their name but is willing to lie about others!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go on a little rant here.

When Los Osos people speak at the Board of Supervisors meeting, they're exercising their First Amendment rights. They've definitely stretched their rights thin, but they have every right to say what they say no matter how reckless and idiotic it may be.

Every time Ann Calhoun writes about the sewer, under every topic there are people who obsess about the "obstructionists" as if these people are playing Russian Roulette with the community and doing everything they can to destroy it. While the "anonymous" continue to repeat these misconceptions, you never see one of them actually present their case as themselves in a public forum. It's always "anonymous," so since they choose to remain that way, they lose any credibility.

Lynette Tornatzky posts as herself so she's an easy target, an easy foil to those she criticizes including Margetson. Lynette Tornatzky is a serial abuser, stalker and harasser. Because of her relentless spite of people who criticize her views, her posts are displayed to hundreds if not thousands of people in Los Osos. People know who she is and the evidence is there.

Don't take my word for it. Ask Google.

Anonymous said...

So YOU are saying it's perfectly ok to call Lynetta all kinds of untrue names and accuse her of stalking and abusing.

Anonymous said...

Sure, because it's true. If Richard Margetson did all the things she has done, then he would be condemned too.

Lynette Tornatzky is, in fact, an obsessed criminal. Don't believe me. Look at her blog. It says a lot about her mental state.

"It Was As If The Grateful Dead Were Reincarnated And Playing At The Middle School."

Comparing a legendary rock band to a sewer is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Taking photos of Tri-W for no apparent reason is worthy of a straitjacket. Juxtapose that with her obsessed comments about the "obstructionists" and you have yourself a very rotten fruitcake.

Anonymous said...

That Anon is very much a coward who is a afraid to provide their name but is willing to lie about others! 10:57 AM, June 20, 2012

And your name again is, oh yeah, of course, another Anon!!! The coward calling the coward a coward because it hits too close to home. Quaint.

Anonymous said...

"It Was As If The Grateful Dead Were Reincarnated And Playing At The Middle School."

Interesting, and a wee bit hypocritical, considering Lynette's hippy-dippy psychedelic history. Maybe, instead of the Grateful Dead, she'd prefer one of HER contemporaries, like the Walking Dead.

Anonymous said...

Time to discuss the morality of Julie Tacker?

Anonymous said...

Sure. Then we can talk about the morality of Judith Reilly.

Anonymous said...

I happen to admire Lynette and think these comments are just mean spirited and rude. Let's not discuss Julie as there is nothing to discuss as it won't matter, she really, really does not care what people think of her or what she looks like...clearly.

Who is Judith?

Anonymous said...

I've read that Judith Reilly blogs anonymously on Calhoun's. She's a friend of Lynette's, and has stolen mail out of the mailboxes of "obstructionists." That's a federal offense.

Anonymous said...

Chuckle Chuckle

What a bunch of people with nothing more to do with their time than make up rumors and gossip.

Please stay in Los Osos, you belong there. ROFLMAO in Santa Margarita.

Anonymous said...

Rumors and Gossip: The Taxpayers Watch Story

Anonymous said...

Gossip and rumor? You must be thinking of a want-a-be hack who doesn't live in LO and that other family that moved their poison computer out of the County.

Taxpayers Watch? Didn't they actually win a lawsuit that returned around a million dollars to the County? Sounds like they did more than the PZLDF.

Anonymous said...

They didn't return a million dollars to the County. Someone must have dropped LSD in the septic tank you've been swimming in.

Anonymous said...

How much did any of the PZLDF, or COLA lawsuits return to either the CSD or the County. There was a reason the TW settlement was not returned to the CSD, but was returned to the County. Anyway you look at it, TW won and did return approximately $1M to the County. None of Ann Calhoun's backed lawsuits, none of PZLDF, none of the special interests, ONLY the TW won for the community

Anonymous said...

In fantasyland, you're absolutely right.

Anonymous said...

Tribune article from April of 2010

Judge OKs Osos sewer suit settlement

The community services district agrees to restore $1.3 million that group alleges was misappropriated to pay legal fees

A federal bankruptcy judge Tuesday approved a $1.3 million settlement in a lawsuit filed in the aftermath of a 2005 decision to stop construction of a sewer system in Los Osos.

In the agreement, the Los Osos Community Services District and its attorneys agreed to restore $1.3 million in district funds that plaintiffs Taxpayers Watch allege were misappropriated from dedicated accounts to pay legal fees, plaintiff’s attorney Kate Neiswender said.

The parties in the lawsuit reached a settlement agreement in April, and Judge Robin Riblet approved it Tuesday. The bulk of the money will be paid through the district’s insurance policy.

“A lot of things that went on over the last few years resulted in unfortunate consequences,” said Dan Gilmore, CSD general manager. “I think everyone was well-intentioned, but it’s in the district’s best interest to put as many of these things behind us as we can.”

Taxpayers Watch sued the district in 2005 after three of the district’s board members were ousted in a recall election and the new board — consisting of Lisa Schicker, Chuck Cesena, John Fouche, Steve Senet and Julie Tacker — stopped construction of the sewer started several months earlier by the previous board.

Stoppage of the sewer resulted in numerous legal challenges. The plaintiffs argued that the board took $1.4 million from accounts earmarked for municipal bond payments and emergency services to pay legal fees.

“This settlement is very close to the goal of Taxpayers Watch to restore the $1.4 million wrongfully spent,” said Joyce Albright, president and founder of the group.
Only Senet and Cesena remain on the district board. The sewer project has since been taken over by the county Public Works Department, which recently received final regulatory approval for a new project.

Settlement of the case leaves only a lawsuit against the district by state water officials over the aborted sewer project. The district also filed bankruptcy because of fin

Anonymous said...

The $1.3 million did NOT go to the County. Article doesn't say that, but I wish you a speedy recovery from your lobotomy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Charlie, but the settlement was paid directly to the County for the sewer project. Believe what you want, you are definately incorrect.

But do tell us readers just how many of the several other lawsuits ever put any money back into the project, through the CSD or the County. Please tell us!

Anonymous said...

The article you (I think...) posted says the $1.3 million was being restored to the LOCSD. Say it with me now. L-O-C-S-D.

Please stop sniffing glue.

Anonymous said...

Anon above,

Except for TW attorney fees of $130K, the remaining $1,170,000 of the settlement went directly to pay down LOCSD debt.

The TW lawsuit is the only reason why the funds were restored to the ratepayers.

You (as a ratepayer) have financially benefitted from the positive resolution of TW lawsuit; and have benefitted regardless of your opinion of TW actions or members.

Anonymous said...

No, no, Taxpayers Watch returned nothing to no one, took everything from everyone. They're the All Losers Club, officially. Each of their so-called "leaders" either served on the CSD and were booted off for ripping off the community of millions, or ran for the CSD and lost, like the Tornatski bag. Not exactly a happy group of campers! More like the cast of "Jackass 6."

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a supporter of the PZLDF lost cause.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:45 PM - Let me get you straight 'cause I'm having a hard time dealing with the wealth of Anon jackasses in this section.

TW files a lawsuit, alleges a criminal act but not a civil one, paralyzes the board from actually doing anything because they're forced to deploy their council and resources and defend themselves from a lawsuit filed by two of the three members who were recalled, files an irrelevant FPPC claim when the board was about to settle with TW the first time, costing the district time and resources in the process, finally comes out and settles to reduce creditor claims that were going to be reduced anyway because of the bankruptcy and you're telling us now that the money is "restored" to ratepayers? Where's the check? Where's the benefit? There is NONE. Pay down the debt? The money wasted and the resources depleted far outweigh the costs saved.

Gee, I don't like the anti-sewer people either, but compared to your hate group of retarded County groupies, they look like saints.

Anonymous said...

You seem to have all the answers, but you are coming across as just one of the few who have to argue, but don't listen, don't really know, but form incorrect assumptions and then spread rumor and gossip.

You really have the TW settlement all wrong. Can't change your mind, so just have to accept you as a confused rumor monger.

Enjoy your self frustration, you are some 30 years too late. Just pay the bill and cry like the rest of us who were lied to and cheated by the post recall CSD!

Anonymous said...

Frustrated? I'm not the one copying and pasting articles that I don't understand. Oh, Anonymous! You're so much fun to play with!

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy repeating yourself. The world's passing you by, and all you do is squawk. I suppose crows need company.

Anonymous said...

I suppose crows need company.

You'd know best what loneliness does to people.

Churadogs said...

Dan Gilmore is quoted as saying:“A lot of things that went on over the last few years resulted in unfortunate consequences,” said Dan Gilmore, CSD general manager. “I think everyone was well-intentioned, but it’s in the district’s best interest to put as many of these things behind us as we can.”

Now there's a perfect epitaph if ever I've seen one. "unfortunate consequences." Ah, the old hip bone connected to the thigh bone . . . I would add "unintended" to the word "unfortunate."

Anoymous sez of Anonymouses:"Anonymous said...

Anon 4:45 PM - Let me get you straight 'cause I'm having a hard time dealing with the wealth of Anon jackasses in this section."

If you have a hard time dealing with with Anon jackasses then you're in the wrong section. Complaining about the commentors here on anything sewerish is like walking into a bar and hollering about all the drunks sitting there. Wrong place; wrong umbrage.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Some directors gambled with the mien Water Board and the provenance of the SRF monies and lost. The directors before those directors were scolded for taking those entities seriously and pushing along a project as best they could under a barrage of lawsuits.

We have a new project which has been hounded by naysayers right up to last week at the Coastal Commission after the project had already started, claiming yet another plan that really was no plan and lacked any sort of platform for financing.

Anyone looking in at this community would have to think that a certain element in it had very self destructive tendencies.

Let's hope that last Friday saw the end of attempts to make this thing even more expensive than it is. Perhaps the County meeting on Tuesday night was an indicator of more rational thinking, as only one commenter went off the beam.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Self-Destructive Tendencies: The Tornatzky Story

Anonymous said...

As usual, there is that one in the crowd, not looking at what is an engineering/financial risk/reward management problem with a forward moving solution, but rather that lonely individual still plays the juvenile crying for attention.

We are laughing at you and know that you have no constructive input in this blog or in life!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you lone blogger don't care for the Tornatzky's and maybe you have a few friends and acquaintances that don't like them either but the truth is, they have lots of friends and connections in the LO community and Lynette was a replacement for your vitriol against Joyce.

Whatever you claim your internal motive is, what it looks like is a complete dissatisfaction with your life, an obsession with two people that I personally find profoundly disturbing and indicative of some deeper issue. Move on, join a support group. There are a lot of people in this community that have been targeted with lies and distortions and it's time to stop. Lynette hasn't hurt you and the only one hurting you publicly is yourself. She is entitled to her opinion about the sewernuts and I happen to agree with her and so do others I know. Clearly you don't know when to stop - I would assume that's true for many other aspects of your life as well. Safety behind anon isn't there. I know I appreciate it because I would hate to have you do to me what you are doing to her. But, I think we all understand that in reality, you are just an emotional child.

Anonymous said...

How about the children who will become emotional when their families are forced to move because of the expensive sewer?

Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

You can always take 'em back to SoCal with their pot and meth.

They and their parents could actually get jobs, but perhaps that's asking too much of them (you).

Anonymous said...

That's nice. I s'pose we know who the "emotional child" is in this discussion.

Pot and meth? Forget that. Try Lynette Tornatzky's medicine cabinet. Saves a lot of money on gas to SoCal.

Anonymous said...

I know several families who moved to protect their kids from the sewer stuff. Left their friends as the quality of life had degraded enough, in their opinion. I consider that being forced out. I also know a couple of families who have already lost their homes, partly due to the delay of the sewer and the instability of the situation and those kids are better off too - lots of weird crime in LO and not a lot of police back up. Even with the sheriff's substation, responses are many times after the fact. It doesn't feel very safe anymore. Not saying the sewer will help but you never know.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know why so many Lynette is such an easy target on the blogs, it's because her husband had threatened one of the children of the "obstructionists" anonymously, and Lynette herself has digitally harassed the parents of that child.

Richard Margetson and the "sewer nuts"? They just talk and file lawsuits that don't go anywhere, but County project supporters have gone a step further to silence critics in any way they can. So if anyone mentions how bad Lynette is, too bad. She's deserved every crack of the whip.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Complete lies about Lou, (anonymous threats? Do you realize how silly that sounds?), plus he doesn't blog and never has.

Hmmm. Who amongst the obstructionists even HAS any children? Julie is the only one that I know, and Lou couldn't pick out her child in a crowd if he had to.

"Digital harassment" of the parents? You mean Julie and Jeff? Oh, you mean I have criticized them on a blog? I am hardly alone in that - there is a platoon of bloggers doing that. If that is what you call what I have done, and truly it is milquetoast compared to what you are saying about Lou and I, what then does that make you? Or hadn't you thought of that?

Are you stating that the pro-county supporters have not been silenced by the anti-county sewer people? Look at who shows up at the CSD and LOCAC meetings! Nobody but the sewer protesters and me, and I'm the ONLY pro-county (non-board or staff) person who attends (CSD meetings anyway)!

Go ahead, blather away on here behind your shield. You sure aren't stopping me from writing and the more you go on and on, the crazier you look!

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop writing. Your crazy is providing electricity for our town. We wouldn't want a "black" out.

Anonymous said...

When you say "Lou doesn't blog, never has" it's really impossible to read the rest... of the lies... without thinking... how criminally insane you are.

Anonymous said...

Anon is totally right about Lynette and her people. I was linked to her comments by one of these websites covering Los Osos. She has intimidated a lot of people, spammed their sites with nonsense and sends nasty emails to a handful of people who are trying to help the community. She attends the board meetings, but nobody listens to what she has to say. Marshall gave a speech on civility not too long ago because of the wave of complaints against her. Los Osos is hers to spoil. The public didn't vote for her because they wanted leaders they could trust,not a deranged zombie who doesn't care about anyone but herself. Its time to tell her to go back to where she came from. If people don't wake up to what she and the 'pro-sewer' lobby are doing, people will either be forced to move or murdered by someone who she thinks is an 'obstcurionist.' The sewer is a disaster, our costs will double and triple ,gravity will come in and it will cost more than we could ever imagine.
Paavo said at a town hall meeting that the sewer costs will double. This is not going to be cheap. Anyone who says otherwise is blatantly lying. Our sewer will spill like in Oceano and we'll be swimming with Fecal Coliform in Baywood Park. Taxpayer Waste doesn't care. They don't show their faces at meetings because theyre too cowardly to face the people and lie the way they do.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there are so many inane comments from 11:23 it's difficult to know where to start so I won't but whoever you are, all I can say is I am so sorry that life has led you to this. My only hope is that fighting the sewer isn't your arc de triomphe of your life. If it is then fait accompli and again, I am so sorry that your legacy is naught.

Anonymous said...

Wow is right!

There is a ray of light coming through the fog though, the sewer construction is here with no further challenge to delay being tolerated.

The poor 11:23 commentator would seem to have a decision to soon make. Obviously Los Osos is no longer the place to live for that person. Perhaps the south coast of Africa? Somewhere there is no sewer.

Anonymous said...

No legacy? The legacy that you weirdly sewer-obsessed Anonymous have is the sewer. Once it's built, you'll have nothing left to say and nothing to live for. It's going to be great.

Anonymous said...

Frothed up Sewer Crazy Oaks Nut Butter? Sounds like something that belongs on a salad in Morro Bay town.
That craziness is self perpetuating, and it's root cause has nothing to do with a public works project. It exists on the Tinkerbell principle. All it needs is for someone to respond to it on a blog.


Anonymous said...

Frothed up Sewer Crazy Oaks Nut Butter? Morro Bay? Tinkerbell principle? Robato-san?

Cocaine is not a good drug.

Anonymous said...

Specifically, what has any of these anonymous ‘i love the sewer’ people done to actually help LO? They whine and bitch on the web, splash text somewhere and justify their remarks by saying the sewer is coming, doing away with the whole ‘civility’ thing that they claim to observe. I would like to know if these people ever helped the poor, low-income, fixed-income residents. I would like specific answers. Then again, this behavior is something I prefer to be anonymous. If I knew who these people were, I would read the comments out loud at a board meeting. My neighber Bo did because lie detector Lynette wished him ill health. The only thing I see are people who only COMPLAIN and LAUGH at people who want an affordable project, BUT what have THEY done to help anyone but themselves? Nothing. I say that these ‘people’ stay on the blogs and don't show their faces at meetings. If they did, they would be the ‘emotional child,’ and they would get a LOT WORSE than a spanking. Despite the very few who read and post, Los Osos is full of nice people who are likely not the people here. These anonymous people do not dictate what stays or goes in Los Osos. This is evident. It sounds to me that a few politically ambitious citizens like Lynette are currying favor with Gibson and Paavo like her friend Maria. This fiasco will never end with or without a sewer. Los Osos NEEDS stability.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a child who did not get their personal choice of sewer/no sewer/or something in between. Now all you do is obsess about the person or persons you feel have not gone along with your very personal choice.

So how about quit bitching and obsessing about events you have absolutely no control over. The sewer is no longer anything you can influence.

You do have choices ahead of you, pay or not pay for the sewer bill. Pay or not pay your mortgage. Either path does not matter to the community as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I really can't think of anything a "LOT WORSE" than what your concept of stability may be. The only thing that I see is instability and am hopeful that you do not see yourself as leading this community anywhere. I suspect you still truly believe that the people parading in front of meetings week after week and year after year are actually doing anything to help anyone. What would be most helpful is for you to get a job to help pay your share; donate portions of your income to "help" your neighbor; stop being such a bully.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:34 AM, the same people who insult you will have to pay for the sewer. They may have their cake, but they'll eat their words too.

Anonymous said...

Of course, those who don't live in Los Osos won't have to pay. One doesn't need to live in Los Osos to being insulting. Just listen to those who parade to the microphone.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t it sad how the sewer is coming and people still so insecure about their beliefs that they choose to hide and say nasty things about the people 'parading week after week' at BOS meetings. First Amendment, anyone? I'm glad the defamation lawsuit is moving forward against you. People like Lynette and Judith and whoever is here - probably Jan - can for our bill? Our reputations continue to be desecrated. Why should they insult us with treasonous lies and force us to pay a cost we cannot afford?
Not blogging anymore. Thanks Ann for showing what some of our neighbors think about people who actually do something for the community.

Anonymous said...

Defamation Lawsuit?

Just who will pay for that? Certainly not the LOCSD this time around!

You are a fool if you believe you did anything for this community. Enjoy moving back to SoCal!

Anonymous said...

"....force us to pay a cost we cannot afford?"

No one is forcing you to do anything. The majority needed to put the project forward did so and now you have a CHOICE. Pay or go. There are no guarantees in life, and having no sewer is one of them, even if you think that is your right.

Anonymous said...

That's one way to get people moving to Los Osos. "Pay or Go." Not much of a choice. People are so warm and friendly on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

After 35 years, there are no choices left. As for warm, go talk with those who created the last 8 years of delay.

Pay or go. I really don't care what someone who slanders and lies cares!

Anonymous said...

"Pay Or Go." Is that drive-thru prostitution? I hope I can catch Maria Kelly before she clocks out of her shift.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain 12:53. You make the sewer sound like one huge pay toilet that no one can afford to use. So why bother to build one? What was so bad about the way things were? We know now that nitrates was just a scare tactic, so it's a good thing a sewer wasn't built for that false reason all this time, isn't it?

Unfortunately, the unaffordable pay toilet your friends and their cronies have dumped on us is so expensive even YOU, with all your money, can't afford it! And that makes you MAD AS HELL, doesn't it? Well, you should have thought about that BEFORE you tried to force TRI-W on us because now you've got your big sewer and there are no choices left and the joke's on you.

It's not "pay or go" -- it's pay AND go. That means EVERYONE. Even you. When I go, you're next because now you're trapped in the PZ and overbought (because you're a financial genius, right?). More "unintended consequences" of TRI-W jihadists whose astounding stupidity, greed and ignorance have, eight years later, finally taken the town down with them.

I feel your pain 12:53 but really you did it to yourself. Paavo is your guy. No sympathy for the devil here.

Anonymous said...

Hey, but it's "out of town"

Everyone is happy!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

"We know now that nitrates was just a scare tactic" No, we don't. The upper aquifer IS contaminated, despite what Linde says. I know the anti-county people have been whipped up into a frenzy for the need to "nitrate test," but it will happen when it needs to - not before. I see that there still lingers a flickering hope that suddenly, one test will show a decline! and they will take this to mean they can stop the sewer - once again. Big News: One test shows nothing, absolutely nothing. Apparently they don't care how stupid they will look if the tests come out worse than in 2006; they are so desperate that they will take that gamble.

(Where was the burning need for nitrate testing all the years since the last project was stopped? Did the Lisa Board do testing? NO. It is only in the past year, or less actually, that this sudden and burning need has surfaced, now that the sewer is financed and underway.)

BTW, how do you pay if you have gone? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Lynette, you're so full of shit, even the voices in your head are telling you to shut up.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Do you think your name calling with a snappy phrase is impressive? Then good for you! Be proud of yourself!

Anonymous said...

I am proud of myself for, unlike you, not downing a bottle of Oxycontin and vodka before I post.

Anonymous said...

BTW, how do you pay if you have gone? Just wondering.

First you spend all your savings till nothing's left then you sell your house when the sewer's winding down because you can't sell it now for peanuts.

Nitrates now fixed at the well head, not by the sewer -- unless you've got 30 years to wait to even tell the difference.

Is this why you want a $200 million sewer? Really?

Better come up with a better excuse, er, benefit than that. What a waste of non-existent public funds!

If you're really watching out for taxpayers, then tell me why the hell you've turned your back on the taxpayers now? Why aren't you suing the county like you sued the CSD??

Anonymous said...

Because taxpayers only "watch" those who recalled them from public office, apparently. TW's official stance is "neutral," meaning that some fiscal recklessness is gee-golly-wonderful.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 6:29: You are not here. You just throw out another unfounded and unproven phrase about drug and alcohol use. Do you really think that you get any traction out of that? Does it make you feel better to write lies?

Anons 6:42 and 7:46: Why doesn't a thinking person just move before the savings are gone? You are painting a fictional "worst story" to illustrate a justification for your own failings. Don't assume everyone will be as blind as you were.

Sure, nitrates can be fixed at the well-head. But you completely forget, or are ignorant of water law, which says that you must clean up the source of pollution first. And there is a reason we don't just drink from the upper aquifer! IT IS POLLUTED!

TW has gone away for all intents and purposes. There is NO STANCE to opine about. You really have no idea what is going on or why, do you?

Don't blame TW for the water problems that face us. The aquifer's degradation is the fault of the Lisa board and the lawsuit-loving sewer obstructionists. When they saw they couldn't win against the Water Board, they kept right on believing their own rhetoric, rather than face reality and work with the Water Board to get a sewer. The Lisa board wasn't going to get to avoid a 218. And they chose not to hold the very thing that they complained that they didn't get with the old board! Talk about fiscal recklessness! They bankrupted the CSD because their hubris stood in the way of their seeing what to do!

The County's project is cheaper per month, a fact you pay little attention to because you prefer to blame others. Be truthful for once, look in the mirror if you feel the need to blame someone. You are part of why the sewer has taken so long to materialize and has become so expensive. You thought you could just skate on past the reality of your pollution. You have taken the whole town hostage for your more expensive sewer.

Anonymous said...

"You are not here."

Really? Seriously, Lynette. Saying random things like that doesn't help your "I-don't-do-drugs" defense.

Remember, doctor says two a day. Not twenty.

Anonymous said...

This is so not fun anymore. I like it better when people make comments about technology and freedom of speech and stuff and assert their power and freedom of opinion over everybody else. I like endlessly debating who is more right and which side to butter toast on. Now this is just getting stupid. Personally attacking and asserting drug use, sexual partners and who is suing who just detracts from the awesome of all the other mindless debating. Now you are just being selfish - again! I highly doubt that Lynette is doing any of the things you keep saying she does and if she did, who cares! What does that have to do with the sewer moving out of town and crazy Tuesday zombie commentors?! Let's get back to that super productive conversation! You defend your position(s)about conspiracy and no sewer needed and other b.s. and so on, I assert silliness and stupidity and poke a stick at you and you defend with hostility and some crap about your rights to blather and so on and so forth. That is wayyyy better than the other stuff. Right? Ok, so here we go......

Anonymous said...

Nobody should allow a talking llama (i.e. above) any access to a computer.

Anonymous said...

The County's project is cheaper per month,

Cheaper than what? The Hoover Dam?

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that Lynette is doing any of the things you keep saying she does and if she did, who cares!

She still has a driver's license. That's not good news for anyone else on the road.

What does that have to do with the sewer moving out of town and crazy Tuesday zombie commentors?! Let's get back to that super productive conversation!

Exactly. How about the zombies would eat your face but somebody obviously got to it first? Next speaker!

Anonymous said...

That brand of childish attempts at intimidation is exactly why most of us stay away from the CSD and BOS meetings. But we vote! And WE voted for a sewer!

Anonymous said...

I always thought that you avoided board meetings because you attracted flies.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

"Cheaper than what? The Hoover Dam?"

Really? What were the monthly payments on that?

Being purposefully obtuse is winning you nothing and your puerile cracks could use an upgrade. The answer is the Tri-W project at $205/mo..

"We voted for a sewer" is right. Your blathering Anon 2:50, 12:49, 12:32, 12:19, etc., won't change that fact. Go ahead though, this must be making you feel better since it's clear that you can't stop.

Anonymous said...

"This must be making you feel better since it's clear that you can't stop."

Neither can you, I'm afraid. Unlike you, at least I can when the bartender tells me that I had enough to drink.

Anonymous said...

Doubt you're old enough to sit at a bar, much less vote.

You certainly write like an illiterate child. Do you even live in SLO County, probably not, just another cheap pot head wanting attention. You would be a right proper cell mate for Jerry Sandusky.

Anonymous said...


This is a common theme among some Anonymous who are pro-County.

Me? Child? You're barking up the wrong treehouse. I was never young.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:26 PM, have you thought of seeking any help for that? Does your wife know?

Anonymous said...

My wife? She knows and she really doesn't care. She's always on the blogs anyway. Call me.

Anonymous said...

Do you have dental?

Anonymous said...

Just a child with no supervision, probably one of the abused striking out at all who actually know what's going on in Los Osos. But what can you expect from a child with no education or experience in this world. Doesn't even live in Los Osos.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about? What is this infatuation with children? What's more childish than grown adults calling other adults children, and dreaming about being Sandusky's cell mate?

Do you have a doll? On that doll, tell me where he touched you.

Churadogs said...

Yes, indeed, the usual crazy neener-neener fence-fighting dog-speak has certainly degenerated. There used to be a lyrical craziness to the craziness, the self-righteous crowing! the one upsmanship! the total inability to recognize that this train wreck took the hard work of every side to pull off -- all hands on the throttle. All because the train track was falsely laid at the beginning and elected officials and regulatory agencies refused to stop and adjust the trajectories at several key junctions. Because of that the train went off the cliff-- unnecessarily. All hands on the throttle which was slammed into full-speed ahead mode.

When Ron Crawford finishes his Sewer Saga, a great many of those critical junctures will be laid out. It will be PAST history by then, as it is now. But it will make for interesting reading.

But, in the meantime, the comments seem to have just gotten incoherent. So, let me repeat once again: Anonymice are not credible in anything they say. Zero. Zip. And when they jump the shark, don't feed them.

Anonymous said...

Get off your high horse Ann.

You own the oven.
You provide the tinder.
You ignite the tinder with inflammatory claims.
You fan the flames.

And then you wonder why all the heat in the kitchen?

What a waste.

FOGSWAMP said...

After decades of driving by the TriW war zone, it was fairly jubilant to witness the County bulldozers shaping the scorched earth into lovely flowing park-like graceful curves.

Then came to mind the wonderments of what/where the project would be today "if only" we had or hadn't done something in haste.

Anonymous said...

Like voting hastily on a recall without considering all the consequences of what would happen if the recall board stopped a project under construction without any alternatives or support of the state or the other 49.9% of the community?

That hasty decision?

Anonymous said...

Or the hasty children to not abort the person above while they were still in their mother's womb?

Anonymous said...

"You own the oven."

True, but you keep stepping inside it. How does it feel to be a cooked duck?

FOGSWAMP said...

"Hasty decisions"

Yesterday is history and half the truth is a whole lie.

Look on the bright side, nothing succeeds like success.

The County will construct the skunk plant out of town for the simple reason that Stupidity is doing the same thing over & over again.

It's easy to get wise after the event.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:00 AM... "hasty children"? What is with this talk of children? Nuts!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Let's see if I have this right:

Late 90s, the County had a conventional treatment and collection planned for out of town for around $62 million.
The citizens said it was too expensive.
The citizens (80%) picked an in-town, non-conventional sewer and collection.
The Water Board said no.
A conventional treatment with conventional collection was planned for in-town in 2001, it was $84.6 million.
51% of the citizens said no, it was too expensive. The $134 million SRF loan was defaulted.
The project was taken away by State law from the now-bankrupt LOCSD.
2010, the County vetted several options, the citizens picked conventional collection and a conventional treatment out of town, .
Most citizens are OK enough with this. The cost is $189 million.

Anonymous said...

Back from the Betty Ford Clinic so soon, Lynette?

Anonymous said...

2010, the County vetted several options, WRONG. The vetting never took place.

the citizens picked conventional collection and a conventional treatment out of town WRONG. the "citizens" didn't pick anything.

Most citizens are OK enough with this. WRONG. Most citizens are NOT okay with this.

Amazing after all these years you still can't get it right. You must live in a different town or ivory tower. If I were you, I'd give up trying and find another hobby you are more fit for: foot massage?

Anonymous said...

And when she's done with that foot massage, she should kill herself.

Anonymous said...

Most citizens are ok with it just your social circle isn't. The 218 vote, the letters in support, the supportive turn out at community events proves that the community is ok with it. Denial is a very difficult thing and I would sympathize if I really thought there was a shred of truth to what you say and have said. The county vetted via the community with all sort of input and even when the light started to shine on agendas the snake oil salesmen started to slink away. No one has ever answered this one burning question: IF the community was going to install NEW septic tanks, where would they go if they lived in Cuesta by the Sea and IF there were community collection tanks, such as proposed by the LOSG, where would they go and how would they be metered? ALSO, never answered is actual costs for life of the tanks and replacement and how would that be paid for. ALSO, as new properties are developed what special considerations required for their hook ups. ALSO, cost of new electrical drops to houses for septic tank hook ups for uniformity and SCADA system monitoring. These pesky, pesky little questions NEVER get answered. That's why there is the OVERWHELMING support for the county project out of town. Most people didn't realize that the Recall board had an underlying agenda, as if anyone will admit to or remember, "they" said it wasn't just about moving the sewer it was ALSO about technology and STEP. So basically the community was misled during the recall because they thought they were just trying to move the sewer, and not even overwhelmingly but by 20 votes.

Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Clarification - never got answered by those who continue to rant. They were answered to my satisfaction 2+ years ago - more expensive based on the life of the project, period. No one was ever or has ever been willing to prove otherwise. In fact, couldn't even stand the test of pre-screening because it was too vague.

Anonymous said...

No one gives a shit what you STEP losers think. The community is getting a real sewer, so if you don't like it, then get the hell out! You all act like a bunch on spoiled children! It's just too bad that so few were able to cost this community so much. You are just a bunch of liars and crooks! Now go sue that!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous from 1:37 to 3:14...





Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out just what a child you are. YOU have lost and hopefully will lose all you still have.

Your turn to STFU if you could!

Anonymous said...

Again, what's with the child (children) stuff? Are you intentionally trying to get on the FBI's Most Wanted list?

Anonymous said...

Apparently you are sensitive to being called out for what you are. Just a silly child whinning over not having it's way. Must be time for your mother's milk and a nap. Good night child, and most unpleasant nightmares of the sewer you obsess over. Please remind your parents to pay the sewer bill or they will have to sell your crib.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered dating adults?

Anonymous said...

Of course and you should know you mother gives great head.

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! Is that your first "your mama" insult? That took you a while to Google that one, I'm sure.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 1:37, you bring up a very good point. Those STEP questions were just left dangling and were never answered back then. Did some of the the STEP supporters even know what they were supporting?

Anon 1:37, you are also right about the recall campaign, the details other than moving the plant out of town were very, very fuzzy. I didn't see STEP as part of the literature.

Well, it is too late now of course, but it would be fun to see if in the years that have passed, some of those STEP supporters might have thought up some answers to those dangling questions. I wonder if THOSE people would like to speak up here (as opposed to the STEP supporters we have on here now, the ones that fill up the space instead with name calling)?

I still think STEP would have been a habitat disaster, as the yards with the trees and bushes sheltering that wildlife would have been torn up, as opposed to asphalt which shelters little wildlife anyway (maybe ants)? It's funny how cutting down a eucalyptus in a park raises a big stink, but cutting down that very same tree (or far worse, a native oak) in your yard for a STEP tank is OK!

Anonymous said...

Lynette, you're so full of shit that your toilet wants a divorce.

Anonymous said...

Best part of you dribbled down your mothers toothless mouth. Still just a wasted STEP loser.

Enjoy watching your mother pay the SLO County sewer bill with her SS Check. Didn't need to be so costly, but thank your friends, Lisa, Julie, Ann, Chuckie, Al, Joey, who know, all those who lied about having a "Plan". Great "Plan"! Guess those on that Water Board are laughing now!

The Bd of Supv's are laughing too, every week!

Anonymous said...

Again with the mother-child insult complex? You know, I respect the mothers of special needs children. I think yours will be very proud that you blog on here. By the way, her neckbeard is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said... Of course and you should know you mother gives great head. 5:21 PM, June 24, 2012

Only a man would write us. Men only care about getting head, not giving it. They're so selfish. What do you think about that, Lynette? Judith? Ann?

Anonymous said...

If I were Bruce Gibson or Paavo Ogren I would be ashamed to be associated with the classless, low-life Tornatki's, Reilly clan, Harper, and the handful of thugs who spread drivel and toxicity in the community. It's a sad situation.

Anonymous said...

If you think the Supv's are listening to the parade of fools and not listening to the community, then you really have been playing with yourself way too often. Go back and crawl between your mothers brests.

Anonymous said...

This is too funny, the crazy ass still fighting the Los Osos waste water treatment system keeps trying to blame everyone except for his emotional bleep.

Thaks for the good laugh.

Anonymous said...

you really have been playing with yourself way too often. Go back and crawl between your mothers brests.

County butt kissers over 60 really shouldn't be allowed to read "50 Shade of Gray". Don't you agree Lynette? Judith? Jan? Maria?

Anonymous said...

Why do you think all these ladies crave the big pipes? It's no coincidence. What do you think about that Lou? Don? Ann? Paavo? Shaun?

Anonymous said...

You're not half the man your mother is.

Churadogs said...

Toonces sez:"Late 90s, the County had a conventional treatment and collection planned for out of town for around $62 million.
The citizens said it was too expensive.
The citizens (80%) picked an in-town, non-conventional sewer and collection.
The Water Board said no."

You forgot a key part, after the words "too expensive," and it's this:

The citizens were NOT told that the faster-better-cheaper plan, which was tied entirely to the formation of the CSD, had ALREADY been shot down by the RWQCB. So the citizens picked Faster/Better/Cheaper thinking it was O.K. Only after the election did they begin to slowly find out. . . oops. . .

Had the citizens known that the FBC plan was unusable as proposed and that to make it usable it would end up costing the same as the county's $80 mil plan, they wouldn't have voted for a CSD (the formation of which had failed several times before), the county plan would have been built and the rest would be history. That was missed opportunity #1. With more to follow.

Anonymous said...

Ann, you've had your chances to design and build your personal choice of sewer!

You've sued, you've inflammed the community, you've cheerlead your overly emotional, out of control children, you lost! YOUR personal sewer or no sewer choice was not chosen by the thinking majority of this community!

If your choice was so perfect, then why didn't Lisa with her board put forth the effort to at least plan? All they and you have accomplished was to pay off your lawyers and cronies with CSD tax dollars! You went as far as to bankrupt the CSD! But NO PLAN was ever developed! You couldn't even obtain the F&G permit to repair the fence around the old Tri-W site! For all your crowing, you have accomplished nothing! There is a sewer under construction and there is no longer anything you can do to halt this one!

Your very false sense of being some sort of facilitator for community action is nothing more than an old lady crying over wasted years!

Anonymous said...

Yet more lies and fiction this morning from moronic ivory tower 1%er 7:01 AM, June 25, 2012.

"thinking majority" is just another ignorant elite Tornatskism for the corrupt recalled board members who bankrupted the community and brought us this useless sewer, which is so expensive THEY can't even afford it! How smart is that? A more accurate expression for them would be the "thoughtless minority".

This ridiculous sewer is the gift the All-Losers Club of Taxpayers Watch has delivered to the community -- and to themselves -- all because of their selfish greed and incredible stupidity. You wanted it, take responsibility for how much it cost.

So now you finally see: Even the winners are losers in this saga. Stupid is as stupid does. You have no one to blame but yourselves. So shut up, bend over, and take your big pipe like the hate-filled, whining wimp you are!

Anonymous said...

"Old lady crying over wasted years."

Your mother wouldn't have had those "wasted years" if she used birth control.

Anonymous said...

Answer if you can: Why didn't the post recall CSD Board ever put forth any plan? They ran with a campaign that they had a better plan, but never put anything on the table. It also appears they hired those LA attornies who may have been paying kick-backs under the table to the CSD board members. Was Blakeslee paid off to not officially request the audit of the CSD? Maybe Ron can answer those questions?

Anonymous said...

Remember, Ron stopped growing after 2005.

10:33 AM You seem to have medical dropout/blackout/alzheimers issues that can't be addressed here. It's the only explanation for why you ask the dumb questions you ask that have been answered over and over again. You just don't like the answers because they don't conform to your crazy-eyed, one-sided fiction. Ask yourself. Answer yourself. That's all you do everyday anyway. Yawn.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Ann's post of 5:32 A.M. is interesting.

"Had the citizens known that the FBC plan was unusable as proposed and that to make it usable it would end up costing the same as the county's $80 mil plan, they wouldn't have voted for a CSD (the formation of which had failed several times before)..."

Perhaps the new CSD board thought that they could resurrect their plan along those same lines - you know, still use STEP, but put it throughout the whole town instead, of partial collection, to save parts of their plan to still try to make it cheaper? Don't forget that they still were hoping for more data from Oswald.

Yours is a good question though, but I suspect having local control was key to their thinking, as the county had been playing around with sewering for years and had only managed to come up with a plan that seemed to morph into something else every time they were asked what it was, at least according to people I've spoken to who lived here then. They could never pin down parts of the county plan.

Which led to the town wanting to build its own sewer, not rely on the "unreliable" county. This is the county remember, that allowed 1100 homes to be built after 1983 with no concrete plan for a sewer. The people that I have spoken to were quite mistrustful of the county - which I see has remained in play today, despite the radical change in both people and rules from days of yore. Maybe it was local control that was PART of the desire to build their own sewer. Hard to know where the numbers fall today on how much of this was just to "get even" with the county and have local control and how much was just voting for a way to get a cheaper sewer. There was more to this district than just a sewer - there was a water company and fire protection and drainage and community septics to maintain too.

The lingering question is, having seen the failed plan that had the new CSD radically switching gears, why then did the Lisa board come up with basically the same BASIS for a plan that failed before? Just changing the part about plant location? Up to LOSG going down in flames at the CCC hearing a week ago, they were touting partial sewering!

BTW, the old board did not bankrupt the community: The Lisa board, by NOT LISTENING to the hyper clear warnings of the water boards, and in fact poking sticks in their eyes, is what bankrupted the community. Once the SRF money was gone - just what money did anyone think there would be to run the CSD and a project - ANY project? Really now, you don't default on a loan and expect to get a new one!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

The audit was part of the governor's signing wasn't it? But with the state in its current condition, it is not likely to ever happen. Too bad. it would have cleared up a lot of what happened and by whom.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the audit was a part of the governor's signing. However, Blaklee was supposed to have formally requested the audit from the Auditor's Office. He never submitted a request as what has been seen as a political ploy to simply make the voters believe he was actually doing something.

Don't take my word for that, maybe have the intrepid reporter, Ron make the call to the State Auditors Office or call yourself.

No request has ever been made.

That's pretty much the only reason Lisa and Julie are not wearing orange jumpsuits.

Anonymous said...

Lynette is so full of shit that her mouth functions as a septic tank.

Anonymous said...

Lynette's b.s. has 27 question marks in it -- that's how much she knows about what's happened in Osos. ????! People who have lived here since '05 or '06 and STILL can't figure out WHERE they are have serious d&a problems common to upper income levels. For example, the LO and SLO sewer elite that get "down" and "high" on cleansing Osos. These are not human beings that deserve our respect and admiration in any way, and they know that. So let them stew. All that keeps them alive is their hate.

Anonymous said...

A few friends of mine pointed out this blog, which includes Lynette Tornatzky's posts. Apparently, she has no purpose in life other to repeat the same things for seven years. I want to shed some light on her and her friends, and these so-called "neighbors" of Los Osos. This information will probably reveal who I am, but whatever.

I am one of Lynette's neighbors. I do NOT have an opinion on the sewer and voted YES to assess myself. She asked a group of us to remove doorhanger fliers that urged a protest of the Rates & Charges ordinance. I declined to help. I haven't seen it personally, but one of her friends bragged to me that she had taken community surveys from people's mailboxes and threw them away. She targeted houses of those who supported STEP.

I was at her house last year for a gathering and she talked about a "target list" of people she "would like to get rid of." The list included Julie Tacker, Jeff Edwards, Lisa Schicker, John Fouche and people who write for a newspaper. My husband and I were told that they needed to be "stopped" or else the sewer would be delayed. Concerned, we never returned or talked to the Tornatzkys again.

I read comments that she wrote on one of these sites or blogs. There's several articles about her - and I thought yep, that's her alright. The obsession over the "lawsuit-loving obstructionists" is something that could lead to bad things down the road. I want to disclose that I know Linde Owen, but only as a volunteer for local animal rescue services. I have not spoken to Linde about the "target list."

Over the years, I've read some nasty comments from her and her friends online. I believe that if the sewer is underway (finally!!!), we need to get along. I am very uncomfortable with someone like Lynette and Lou in our neighborhood. I do not want to be associated with their psychotic behavior. I cannot live with myself, knowing that she's having people go after other members of our community.


Anonymous said...

Wow. So Lynette is like one of those clowns from the horror movies?

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 3:07,

Lie #1- "She asked a group of us to remove doorhanger fliers that urged a protest of the Rates & Charges ordinance."

Lie #2 - "-one of her friends bragged to me that she had taken community surveys from people's mailboxes and threw them away."

Lie #3 - "She targeted houses of those who supported STEP."

Lie #4 - "I was at her house last year for a gathering and she talked about a "target list" of people she "would like to get rid of."

Lie #5 - "-she's having people go after other members of our community."

And no, I do not know who you are. Other than someone who enjoys writing a lot of defamatory fiction.

You might want to clarify, "I cannot live with myself, knowing that she's having people go after other members of our community." But that sentence is an illuminator for us of your thought processes.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Lynette. The assholes who continue to lie and blame everyone else for their shortcomings are well known. I hope they can't not afford the sewer bill and do have to move! I would not be surprised if a couple of them have strokes brought on by their own actions.

Keep smiling and supporting the County's project.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if all of that is true, but one thing is for sure: you're batshit crazy as evidenced by the fact that you write long and incoherent essays to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Also, saying something is a "lie" doesn't make the irrefutable truth go away.

Anonymous said...

The sewer is here and here to stay!

Anonymous said...

"You're batshit crazy as evidenced by the fact that you write long and incoherent essays to yourself."

Pills, pills, pills.

You know the line, "Birds of a feather flock together"? Look who's supporting her. When Lynette says, "lies, lies, lies!" I'm thinking, "Nope." Look at the weirdos. She coddles them. She's fellating them with irrelevant bullshit. How can you not look at that and think, "No, she's a really kind and honest person. She would NEVER do that."

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your stroke!

The sane majority of Los Osos are staying, do you need help packing for your move to Riverside?

Anonymous said...

The phrases...

"Enjoy your stroke!"


"The sane majority of Los Osos are staying..."

... do not go together. Sounds like you're from out of town, junior.

Anonymous said...

and sounds like you're a big bag of wind!

Anonymous said...

You say the "sane majority of Los Osos are staying." By your logic, you probably left ship a while ago. Where are you now, junior?

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

FOG says,

"After decades of driving by the TriW war zone, it was fairly jubilant to witness the County bulldozers shaping the scorched earth into lovely flowing park-like graceful curves."
"Then came to mind the wonderments of what/where the project would be today 'if only' we had or hadn't done something in haste."

Well FOG, I'm truly glad that you seem satisfied with the sewer project. But decades?—Tri-W—a war zone? You must mean the sewer war zone, generally!

Haste? Which part do you mean? The recall? Yes that WAS haste.

If you meant starting a project in 2000 and ending it in—well, it WOULD have ended 2008,—this is haste? So the County took the present project forward in 2007 and now it is 2012 and it will be done in 2015. Both are 8 year projects - how do you call the one haste and the other not?

Methinks the park of Tri-W would have been as lovely, and useful too. What we are getting is a restoration and a drainage basin that we can walk through on proscribed paths. Nice, but not really a park.

The main point is though that we are actually getting a sewer—finally. A costly one out of town. However, I am grateful, very grateful, that the County took this project and WILL COMPLETE it.

I hope that the whiners will come around as you seemingly have FOG. The County could probably use a break.

Anonymous said...

I'm the anonymous from 3:07 PM.

Lynette, I'm very disappointed in you. You've basically called me a liar when I know you did all of those things. You have mentioned the "target list" to several people. I heard you mention it. My husband has heard you and Lou mention it. I think that if you're trying to get people killed or "stopped" or whatever language you prefer to use, I think people should know about it.

Why don't you be a big girl and own up to your hate? You obviously hate many of our neighbors. I just read the article about how you cyber-stalked people, followed someone to their home and have created multiple accounts to defame people. That is disgusting. I grew up in a Christian household where we were taught to respect other people's differences. You have no moral bone in your body. You wouldn't understand that everyone in Los Osos has suffered from this sewer. You can't just dole out frontier justice to people who've suffered enough because of the foolish decisions they've made on behalf of the community.

Please stop writing your nonsense and let's heal.

Anonymous said...

Basically nothing!

You, 11:26 PM, are a liar!

Very typical of those who didn't get their own sewer dream and turn on those they wish to think have opposing views.

Of course you are just making things up to see the reaction on this meanless blog, but it apparently is an outlet for your emotions. You might ask Linde to make you one of those cute triangular tin-foil hats so you can commune together.

FOGSWAMP said...


What can be said about this sewer-saga that hasn't been said um-teen times over & over again?

Any idea when we'll see the results of the free multi-million dollar PG&E seismic 2-D/3-D soundings up & down LOVR?

I recall a few of our County Sup's referring to said study results as a "critical part" prior to re-licensing Diablo, which is just over-the-hill as crows fly.

Billy Dunne said...

What I find interesting about the posts here from a particular "Anon," most obviously a sock puppet author of many "Anon" posts, is the very specific allegations against Lynette and Lou. Unlike most others here who just generally opine "he's a dope" or "she's fat" or "he's a nutjob," these comments are very specific statements of "fact." Why this is important is that only statements of fact can be defamatory, not opinions. When you state a "fact" that might be harmful to an individual, for example, that person has a "hit list" to "get people killed," you better be able to prove it. If not, it very well might be considered defamation. Getting IP addresses is not difficult, no one is truly "anonymous", and no comment is ever truly deleted. I'd urge Lou and Lynette to keep this in mind when reading things said about them on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Sock-Puppeting Accounts: The Tornatzky Method

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Thanks Anon 6:35 and Billy Dunne for your positive statements. I am hearing you both.

The negative anon on here seems very focused on character assassination, not discussing any of the sewer particulars the rest of us choose to write about. Lies, lies, lies seem to pull the dopamine lever in the brain of this person who wrongly thinks that they are safe from discovery. You are right Billy, they are not.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...


Last I heard all of the findings would be revealed when the seismic studies in the ocean are completed. This article had a pretty good review of what is going on there:

Anonymous said...

Billy is right. Getting IP addresses is easy if people are defaming someone else, but it goes both ways. Billy ought to know that.

Take those who support Lynette and Lou; both of whom have done their fair share of defaming. Were they not defaming as well? True, nobody is safe from discovery, but justice is blind. It won't discriminate in favor of people you like.

FYI - Lynette, nobody is talking to you about "sewer particulars." Who can have a discussion about your obsessive-tinged fiction?

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon's 11:26 post about Lou and I,

"You have mentioned the 'target list' to several people. I heard you mention it. My husband has heard you and Lou mention it. I think that if you're trying to get people killed..."

Those are lies of defamation. That falls into another category than the "he's a nutjob" type of comment as Billy points out. Do you see the difference Anon 1:31?

Anon 1:31, many sewer particulars have been discussed on this and other blogs by many of us. Maybe YOU are so wrapped up with dissing people that you can't be bothered to notice? Where is your discussion of the particulars? Do you have any to discuss?

Anonymous said...

Nobody is talking to you, Lynette. Everyone knows who you are. You lie about the sewer and you hurt people.

Anonymous said...

I read the previous comment in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 3:02,

Actually, people are talking to me. You in fact are talking to me.

I didn't lie about the sewer, the Lisa board lied about the sewer.

Everyone does not know who I am.

Are you the voice for hurt people now? Why should any of us believe an anon?

Anonymous said...

No, nobody is talking to you. They're talking at you because you don't listen and spin your own narrative regardless of the facts. You have every right to do that, but it's not conducive to the healing process.

You can cry defamation all you like and quite frankly you should if the whole "target list" thing is not true. However, you've done your fair share of trouble.

You attribute your troublemaking to being the "snarky blogger on the Los Osos sewer issue" but the reality of the situation is overwhelmingly clear. You're constantly in the act of instigating abusive behavior and condemnation toward the "opposition." That's clear by the words and actions of those who support you and your repetitive assault on the "lawsuit-loving obstructionists."

That's actually not part of the "sewer particulars" at all because, as you said on your "blog" that the sewer project is "safe." Those people cannot do anything to set the project off course. The opposition that you love to criticize just so happen to shoot themselves in the foot without your help. There's no need to promulgate the stoppage or destruction of the opposition and their core principles because, let's face it, they already put themselves at a irreversible disadvantage.

But you keep going. In doing so, you assert information that actually is not true. You're giving readers (or lack thereof, given you see the same anon bickering over and over again with no new voices) false information that has been brought up time and time again. That false information can and has incited deep hatred within the community. What's worse, it's all in the past.

Look at the present. The Lisa board is long gone. The LOCSD doesn't even have authority of the project anymore. We can sit around and play the blame game all day, but the reality is this: construction is set to begin soon. You can either go to the podium, speak incoherently in opposition to the project and shake your fist in anger or you can sit down, be a grown-up and focus on constructive solutions to issues that affect every resident in the PZ.

But you do neither. You propagate with no discernible purpose.

I think the reason people attack you on the blogs is because you're the only person that has the courage to sign your John Hancock on your posts. I commend you for that and have personally commended you for that in the past, but you have this tendency to present something that's inaccurate and call on your anonymous surrogates to defame whoever challenges your reasoning. Instead of condemning this behavior, you encourage it in excess.

So no, nobody is talking to you. You don't engage in dialogue that's constructive. You engage in the same kind of behavior that people are tired of.

Just my two cents. This doesn't make me "feel better" to say this. Somebody has to be the adult here. Almost 200 comments here and fairness is still not part of the conversation.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 11:47, you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. No one is forced to read anything here or comment either, which includes you. If you feel the need to proclaim yourself the "adult" here, do so. Everyone who reads here will have their own opinion on that.

And everyone is entitled, with or without your stamp of approval, to decide what fairness is. If you are tired of reading what I write, disengage. You are not the spokesperson for anyone that you identify here beyond your anonymous self.

You may say that I am inaccurate, but you never say what those inaccuracies are.

I am not responsible for anyone's behavior, each person is responsible for their own and that includes you. I don't call on any surrogates; if people comment it is because they want to comment, that is their right. If you feel the need to nag me and them on this—your right to do so.

This is my 23rd post out of the 200 here. You are an anon, so I have no idea how many of these posts belong to you, your family or friends; fifty, eighty?

I think that you continue to participate here just because you are personally angry at me. You know who I am, but I don't know who you are. You will never get any real satisfaction from your attacks because you know I don't take the accusatory words of an anonymous blogger seriously.

Also, if you were at all aware of what was really going on in Los Osos, you would not make a statement like, "construction is set to begin soon." Construction has already started.

Thanks for taking the trouble to read my blog and my tweets though. And it is nice that we agree on the feckless opposition, no?

BTW, what are you doing to focus on constructive solutions for Los Osos? Please, illuminate us, lead the way, start something positive.

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