
Friday, April 14, 2006

Time Travel Hits Sewerville, Again.

First we had former General Manager Bruce Buel getting into his Waaaay Back Time Machine and zipping back to a nice day on the First of November a few years ago to sign a contract with Montgomery Watson Harza for millions of dollars worh of services even though he wouldn’t be hired by the CSD and legally authorized to sign those contract until November 14th.

For time travel fans, it was an exciting breakthrough. And now, it’s happened again. The Los Osos Forty-Five have received letters from Regional Water Quality Control Board CEO, Roger Briggs, dated April 28th describing the April 28th CDO Hearing and outlining the findings of the Board. Considering that the Los Osos 45 got these letters in the mail on April 11th – 13th, indicates that once again we've achieved . . . . TIME TRAVEL.

Miracles never cease here in Sewerville. Previous official letters from the RWQCB have stated that at the upcoming hearing on April 28, the Los Osos 45 will have a RIGHT to testify, call witnesses, present evidence, etc., so many of the 45 had been preparing their case, and were ready to do exactly that come April 28th. Now, they don’t need to. With the arrival of the official letter, they now know that, unbeknownst to them, they already had their “day in court.” Of course, it was a court that insists upon a Verdict First, with Evidence irrelevant, which, you must admit, saves so much more time than the other way around.

Of course, doing things this way opens one up to charges of being a Kangaroo Court, with cries of Sham! Sham! ringing thorough the air. Phooey. It’s not sham, it’s TIME TRAVEL . . . again!

On a happier note, for the first time in 30 years, remediation via a "pilot" onsite enhanced septic system in the form of the Piranha system was installed at the CSD’s fire house. (Another bype of onsite technology is being proposed for use at the LOCSD Water Yard) Lysimeters were installed under the firehouse leach field and testing can commence. Even the RWQCB, which has disallowed any onsite systems within the prohibition zone, some time ago gave permission to the “old CSD Board” if they wanted to install a “test” unit outside the Prohibition Zone (apparently the letter wasn’t made public until recently “discovered” by the new staff and board.) Why that becomes interesting is because it’s clear that should they have wished to do so, the county, the original CSD Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (which in resolution 83-12, gave the authority to both the county and CSD) could have been doing a variety of enhanced onsite remediations with their septic systems all the years and years that the various sewer projects were being considered and rejected and the Sewer Wars raged on. Indeed, various factions within the community have begged for years for the creation of a Septic Maintenance District that would have allowed for such improvements to the groundwater. Everyone, including the Regional Water Quality Control Board, refused to do zip, which makes their present hang-wringing declaration that Los Osos is in some sort of septic crisis requiring this mad CDO pumping scheme even more hypocritical than usual.

Now, with the installation of the Piranha system, even the RWQCB is expressing an interest in the test data that will be forthcoming. (I know, why don’t they just get in their time machine and zip forwards a few months for a look-see?)

Dr. Daniel Wickham, developer of the Pirana system, owner of “SludgeHammer” systems, spoke at the CSD April 13th meeting and noted a curious fact: Every single industry has developed and uses bio-remediation in controlling and dealing with its various “wastes,” except sanitation entities. A county’s multi-gazillion dollar a year wine industry, for example, will be a leader in developing and using onsite bio-remediation for its waste, while the same county’s sanitation district will still be limping along with old systems, with no attempt to deliberately control and manipulate the “product” using 21st century technologies. This results in out-dated sewage systems that are breaking and leaking and polluting and sludge-generating and costing taxpayers a bundle, aided and abetted and made worse by a lazy regulatory mind-set that’s still willfully stuck in the 19th century.

More Sewerville Notes: It was noted in last night’s CSD meeting that thanks to the disclosure laws on campaign donations, it’s now known that during the recall campaign, Montgomery Watson Harza and Barnard Construction donated $10,000 each to the “Save the Dream Coalition” to oppose the recall. Those were folks who designed and were starting to build the Tri-W sewer plant, which plans were directly threatened by the recall.

Twenty-thousand smackaroonies to be repaid from the citizens’ sewer rates, all just a part of doing business in Sewerville. God bless the child... . .


Anonymous said...

Another "nit" blown way out of reality! A typo and you use this as some sort of substantiation of misdeeds. Keep playing to your choir!

Anonymous said...

The document is on the RWQCB (April 5 revision). It's not a typo, April 28 is all over it. It's obvious that they have already made up their minds. Everyone in Los Osos should be outraged at this abuse of our citizens who have been working so hard to prepare for this so called "hearing." To be paid for by our hard earned tax dollars! It does not matter what side of the issue you are on - this is BLATANT government bullying at our expense.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anon, for the directions to the letter. To me it is quite clear what is going on. I think I'm going to be sick to my stomach.

Anonymous said...

Ann - is anyone at the TT aware of this development?

Anonymous said...

Obviously, they must be still working on the version of the letter for an outcome that rejects the CDOs.

I wonder when that version letter will get sent out??

Gotta hand it to 'em, they know how to plan ahead. They might as send out the 2010 letter for the ACL hearings when no one connects to a treatment plant that can't be completed by then.

Maybe people can show up with a foreward dated receipts for pumping for the next 3 years, so the paperwork can be all tidyed up at one meeting, and everyone can break early for lunch!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know anything about what happened in court today with Measure B?

Anonymous said...

Did I just read in an earlier post that "better than 3500 property owners support dissolution"? Where exactly did this figure come from?

Anonymous said...

oh really, i just read in a previous post that over 200,000 people that live within SLO County that don't want to pay for and deal with our problem are against dissolution?

Anonymous said...

An anon wrote:

“The document is on the RWQCB (April 5 revision). It's not a typo, April 28 is all over it. It's obvious that they have already made up their minds. Everyone in Los Osos should be outraged at this abuse of our citizens who have been working so hard to prepare for this so called "hearing." To be paid for by our hard earned tax dollars! It does not matter what side of the issue you are on - this is BLATANT government bullying at our expense.”

A complete reading of all the documents referenced on the RWQCB web site pertinent to the April 28th hearing make it clear that each and every individual will have the right to contest the order. It is all very explicit, spelling out the options, dates for responses, evidence necessary, etc. It also provides arguments that will not be accepted as a defense in advance.

The letter is plainly for those that are going to comply with the order and pump without contesting. An educated guess is that significant CDO recipients have already agreed to pump and this will simplify the hearing proceedings.

As "Publicworks" indicated, this letter is a template and is labeled as such when you download it from their website.

Much ado about nothing!

Anonymous said...

The 3,500 figure is approximately the number of signatures gathered by the dissolutionists. The county recorder Julie Rodewald stopped verifying at the 970ish mark, as that was all that was needed of registered voter's signatures to present to LAFCO for request for dissolution. Property owners that live outside of town (and are not registered voters in town) that DO NOT want the sewer out there signed separate cards to be submitted to LAFCO.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

The citizens of Los Osos will pay for the sewer no matter who builds it. And the 200,000 that you mention is not entirely comprised of county workers. County workers might take issue with this, not the full 200,000 that populate the county. Many are indifferent and do not know the situation. Half of Los Osos apparently didn't know what was going on either if you recall.

Los Osos would be footing the bill. Had the present CSD any grip on the reality of what they got us in to, LAFCO wouldn't have to decide on dissolution. If they say dissolve, the county will have to take on the sewer and then we can blame the present CSD. No previous board brought down a mess like this one. The biggest issues are a lack of a credit rating and financing. You can't build with no money and the CSD is broke.

Anonymous said...

the people in government who Represent the 200,000 do know the situation and they KNOW that money WILL BE diverted from projects for their communities to pay for OUR sewer. We have a functioning Government and it's quite clear to everyone in the County that the dissolution movement is nothing more than a cheap attempt to overturn an election. If you don't think LAFCO sees this then you are blind. The only thing standing in the way of getting funding is the dissolution movement itself. once that FAILS. We will have no problem getting money because they will finally see that this comunity is serious about building a sewer.

Churadogs said...

Spectator said," You know we will have to have a 218 vote by the property owners in Los Osos to pay for the sewer and secure any low interest loan!"

The CSD has repeatedly said that once the Project update report is presented to the public for their selection of which project they want to "buy," that will be followed by a Prop 218 vote. What's interesting is why the original loan (and the additional $40 mil) didn't have a Prop 218 vote.

"Cheap attempt to overturn an election"? You sound like a board member worried about individual suit, and not having public funds to defend yourself."

Actually, dissolution, recalls, counter initiatives, elections are all tools in the self-governance box. My only issue with dissolution is that it was the FIRST tool many of the recalled board members and Dreamers reached for. THAT was most interesting to me.

"We will have no problem getting money because they will finally see that this community is serious about building a sewer". With what credit rating? The last loan was hard to get with a good credit rating! Loan us money so another board can overturn agreements with a project started because people do not wish to pay?"

The additioanl $40 million SRF loan was handed to the CSD on a vote voice even though there was a Prop 218 lawsuit in play and even knowing a recall was coming up and even though there was still no secured revenue stream.To me, that speaks of a State Board reckless beyond belief in an effort to steamroll this project through, no matter what. (Remember, Buel testified four times that he felt the Time Schedule Order was "unreasonable." So you had an "unreasonable" time schedule, a host of serious legal challenges and political troubles brewing and the SRF guys STILL shoveled FORTY MILLION SMACKAROONIES into town on a voice vote? That doesn't sound like hard-to-get money to me.

Now, of course. we'll have to wait to see what the courts and/or the federal auditor has to say about how the state handled that loan.And, if I understand, the State has changed the rules so that any SRF monies must be secured by a 218-type vote. Interesting change in policy, methinks.

Anonymous said...

the state changed the rules so that SRF money needs to be secured by a 218 vote? HHHHHMMMMMMMM, I wonder why?

Spectator said," You know we will have to have a 218 vote by the property owners in Los Osos to pay for the sewer and secure any low interest loan!"

well guess what? i voted for the solutions group and bought their LIE of cheaper, better, faster. i also voted yes on the solutions groups first assessment because i knew we needed funds for a sewer. if i had known at the time, it was going to take 8 years and the project and money that i was voting on was for an energy guzzling sludge factory in the middle of my town next to the library for $205/month, NOT better, NOT cheaper, NOT faster, i would never of voted for the solutions group or the first assessment in the first place. i know at least half the property owners in this town feel the same way cause we voted to RECALL the assholes that LIED to us. good luck getting a 218 vote to pass for a millde of town energy guzzling slude factory next to the library. if a 218 vote went to ballot for a energy guzzling sludge factory on the TRI-W site next to the library, this community would know what it's for and this community would vote against it. we won't be duped and LIED to again by the solutions group/save the nightmare/taxpayers watch assholes anymore. this is why they tried to get the extra $40 million thru without a 218 vote because it was at this point in the process that our community had realized and waken up to the fact that the former RECALLED board had LIED to us and screwed us all over and there was no way we would of voted for the extra money.
also, and i'm not sure about this, but if we fall back under the County's jurisidiction, that means we would have to abide by County Laws and Zoning codes which might not alow building a sewer next to a Library..........something to investigate or think about.

Mike Green said...

Well just when everyone almost had me thinking I might have been wrong calling the WATER GODS gods
Seems I was right.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Yes, WHEN this mess falls back to the county, I would not be too secure in thinking that there might be a problem with a zoning code not allowing a sewer next to a library. There are communities that have million dollar homes next to sewers, and public parks on top of sewers. In hindsight, Tri-W might not look too bad compared to the disasterous pit of fines and lawsuits this board has dropped our community into. (Remember, this board sold us a lot of empty promises too, such as A PLAN and NO FINES. I's say the idea of a BOARD just doesn't work here.)

Anonymous said...


Nice to see your back. Guess when you said you were NEVER going to come back, it was just another one of your LIES. But, you've told so many LIES that you probably don't even know what the truth is anymore.......
I'm glad you're back though. So we can show everybody what an idiot you are. Although, you do a pretty good job of it on you own. Like when you made fun of an anonymous for using improper words and used the word "ananymous". Don't tell me it was a typo either. "o" is on the opposite side of the keyboard as "a".
You are such a dumb ass. First of all, if the former RECALLED IN DISGRACE assholes on the CSD had not started the project 20 days before the election our CSD wouldn't be having financial problems. How nice of them to basically burn our money before we threw them out of office. I have never seen such a sick and twisted political act in all my life. Well, not until this dissolution movement anyway. But, like starting the project before the election, this is going to blow up in their face too. See, it's not up to the elite minority the just lost an election. It's up to LAFCO and the County who doesn't want your fucked up project either. Last time I checked, LAFCO is not in the business of overturning elections. I'm thinking this was the jist of that letter last week. If you don't think they see this as a political action based on the fact that you presented it just months after losing an election then you are blind.......
Oh yea, you know why the lawsuits were filed?
That's why the lawsuits were filed.
Because the fuckers lied to us about what they were going to do........
I guess you just expected us to lay down and buy your lie? Not in this town. Never.
Haven't you and your group fucked this town over enough? Haven't you done enough dammage? You do see that all of this is your fault don't you?

Nice to see you back Spectator. I'm so glad you LIED about never coming back..........

Shark Inlet said...

I find the claim "if the former ... CSD had not started the project 20 days before the election our CSD wouldn't be having financial problems" interesting. I don't believe it for one minute and you shouldn't either.

The money the CSD has been living off of (from the point of view of consultants, lawyers and the like) has been SRF money which would not have even been in district coffers had the construction not started.

You might say that the district had some money in their wastewater account before the start of construction but it was not anywhere near the amount that has been spent since the election on various lawyers and the like.

Furthermore, had construction not started in the first place and the new board voted to not start after the election either, the RWQCB fines and CDOs would have occured any way.

One could argue that we wouldn't owe money to contractors and we wouldn't be on the hook to pay the state back had the construction not been started and stopped, but neither of those bills has come due yet so cannot be the sorce of our current financial woes.

Nope, we are out of money because we've been spending it rather quickly since the election and for no other reason.