
Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Aw, Ron's having way too much fun

Yup, Ron's having a great time.  Here's his latest post: "Tribune Editorial: "The residents of Los Osos" Now Owe Julie Tacker and Lisa Schicker "Everlasting Gratitude." 
... now playing at a SewerWatch near you: at

Well now, that would make an interesting editorial.  How's about it, Tribune?


Anonymous said...

Everlasting gratitude? How about $200 million? Hope they cut the check soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!!!! Please Ron, leave 2014 alone!!!!

Churadogs said...

Heh-heh. naw. He's having too much fun.

Anonymous said... is real 'fun' to be stupid, Ann

Ron said...

Thanks for the link, Ann, and Happy New Year!

And, as funny as my post is (and, oh lord, it has now made me laugh out loud, several times, for TWO years now, 2013 AND 2014), it does pose an interesting journalism question:

What happens when a newspaper pops out an editorial that is later shown to be a complete embarrassment?

I mean, doesn't the Trib now have some sort of journalism ethics-thingee to write something along the lines of: "My god, what were we thinking? Boy did we f-up -- many, many times -- when we over-the-top supported building a sewer plant in the middle of Los Osos, solely so the people of Los Osos could more easily access a ridiculous 'picnic area' that the LOCSD, for whatever crazy reason, demanded be built in their disastrous, now-miserably-failed, sewer "project." And for our editorial board's horrible decisions in 2005, we now apologize, profusely, to the people of Los Osos, SLO County, and California."

You'd think journalism ethics would now dictate the Trib to write that editorial, but I guess they're just gonna weasel out, and go Bonaparte:

"It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares."

By the way, also on that 2005 Trib editorial board, was Los Osos's own, Bill Morem.

WOW, does he have ALOTTA splainin' to do.

Uhhh... Bill? WTF?

Anonymous said...

I see things haven't changed over the past few months, not sure who the bigger sewer whore is; Crawford for his obsession, Ann for continuing to pander to that insanity or Julie the moral compass of Los Osos.

In case you haven't noticed, the sewer is going in quite nicely and the bills are being paid. Soon Los Osos will have overcome the Schecker disaster.

Happy New Year!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Oh groan, it is hard to know where to even begin.

We are paying on the old project until 2024. AND we are ALSO now paying 30 years for approximately half of the County's project costs, and 40 years on the other half. We have lost 8 years of water conservation due to no sewer project to pay for anything meaningful (we would have been flushing and forgetting since 2008, hook-up now will be in 2016), the CSD only in October climbed out of bankruptcy following years of diminished services to the community, well, I'm sure that I have forgotten other downsides, but this will do for now. Oh wait, that's right, I forgot the $25,000 liens we all have against our houses now! Please explain how to express gratitude for all of this!

Ron, you are wrong. Measure B—won by a measly 20 votes—was NECESSARY for the Lisa board to have any legal basis to fight the blowback from what they had done in stopping the project. Of course, as was later proven, Measure B was illegal. TWENTY VOTES. Hardly a mandate. Changing the board could only go so far.

So you think because we are paying less per month we should thank Lisa and Julie? Hardly. You have completely forgotten about GAIL - without whom the recall NEVER would have happened and Measure B NEVER would have passed. The Gail/Lisa board bungled the project completely and LOST IT to the State, which offered it to the County and THAT is where ANY gratitude must go, the County.

You have also forgotten that the project would have cost $84.6 million in 2001 before the obstructionists had their way with all of the lawsuits and appeals from the BOS, the Planning Commission, the Coastal Commission.

The Trib asked some good questions:

1. Will low-interest state loans be applicable to a newly designed plant outside of town? ANSWER - NO. The Lisa board defaulted on the old $134 million loan then bankrupted the community before any plan got thought up, let alone designed.

2. Will a new timeline for construction pass the Water Board's sniff test? ANSWER - NO. Nothing got designed, project yanked, no timeline needed. We got issued CDOs and NOVs.

3. Will the new board be able to cancel construction contracts without getting hit with huge financial penalties? ANSWER - NO. They were sued for $44 million!

You might ask Julie some day why what could have saved this whole thing, the thing the State wanted the Board to do, to hold a 218 vote, to validate that the community was behind this project, just ask her WHY the Board chose NOT to do this. The lameness of the answer will astound even you.

And someday you might want to get your head unstuck from that pink, wrinkly time warp tunnel you are wedged in and scope out what actually happened in Los Osos after September 2005.

Anonymous said...

So after Lynette gets kicked off of CalCoastNews for stalking Julie there, she does it here.

This is why severely mentally ill people like Lynette Tornatzky shouldn't blog. It's amazing Lou lets her do this, knowing of her condition.

Anonymous said...

8:04 Anon


You can't dispute Lynette's comments, yet you continue your campaign of character assassination much as you have tried with everyone who has spoken in favor of the sewer.

You really are quite sick!

Ron said...

'tooncie writes:

"We are paying on the old project until 2024."

Actually, as I exposed last year, more than 4,000 PZers will be paying for that fraud until the year 2034.

And, again, that means Los Osos has made property tax history, because y'all are paying for a public works disaster, that will never exist, and you're stuck paying for it for the next 20 years.

Journalistically speaking, how cool is that?! And, again, that's WHY I call this overall story, "THE best story in the history of SLO County."

(Oh, and guess what... you should see what I have up my sleeve for this amazing story in 2014. [Damn, I just got goose bumps.])

'toons, I feel kinda sorry for you, because, the fact that you don't know how to read, means you're missing out on all of the fun.

'toonces, the Driving Cat (Google it) writes:

"So you think because we are paying less per month we should thank Lisa and Julie?"

See? You just proved my point, again: Because you can't read, you missed out on the excellent humor in my latest post.

It's not ME who thinks you owe Lisa and Julie your "everlasting gratitude," it's me reporting that the Trib (read: Bill and Sandra) wrote that.

AGAIN, the Trib's quote is this:

"... if (Los Osos CSD) recall proponents make good on their campaign promises by building a sewer system out of town that will cost households less than $205 per month, the residents of Los Osos will owe them everlasting gratitude."

So, according to Bill and Sandra, you shouldn't just "thank" Julie and Lisa.


According to Bill and Sandra, you and Lou, and the rest of Los Osos, now "owe" Julie and Lisa your "everlasting gratitude."

Don't whine to me, 'toons. If you don't like the fact that the Trib says that you and Lou now "owe" Julie and Lisa your "everlasting gratitude," send the Trib a letter bitching about it.

So, don't whine to me. It wasn't me that said it. It was the Trib. Whine to them.

An anonaloser writes:

"You can't dispute Lynette's comments..."

That's funny.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

BTW, Anon 8:04AM, I have not been kicked off Cal Coast News, but am a regular contributor of comments over there. Why do you attempt to spread lies that are so easily caught?

Anonymous said...

Your comments are getting removed one at a time, but don't let your mental illness get in the way of the facts.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

I know I am being redundant here, but Ron, the tax payments that we pay until 2034 INCLUDE use of most of the old project's collection system, so we ARE getting some use out of that money.

Right, I get the point that you are attempting to make, that the Trib was for Tri-W until it wasn't. But the other point was so teeny-tiny and tangential, who cares? The humor you find in Bill and Sandra's words is tragedy for Los Osos, that is what I commented on.

Lisa and Julie did NOT BUILD ANYTHING out-of-town, the County is doing so.

It's not worth typing more than this one sentence on the sadness of your shallow thinking.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 1:12, please point us to where that would be at CCN.

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Julie did NOT BUILD ANYTHING! unless you count a hideous bankruptcy!

Both seem to be hiding lately, has Lisa snuck out of town, never to face her disgrace? Julie only needs look in a mirror to see her personal failures. How's welfare treating you Julie?

Anonymous said...

Julie is not on welfare. Character attacks will get you nowhere.

Anonymous said...

If there was ANYTHING to what Crawford alleges, don't you think that some civil or even criminal charges by some County, State or Federal legal entity would have been filed by now? How many years has he been crying that the sky is falling? How many of his multitude of charges have ever been found to be credible?

None, Zip, Nada!

Crawford has been simply blowing wind with no substance, only his ego and the backing of pal Calhoun keep him alive.

Churadogs said...

Toonces sez:"I know I am being redundant here, but Ron, the tax payments that we pay until 2034 INCLUDE use of most of the old project's collection system, so we ARE getting some use out of that money."

Isn't that the question Ron asked of Bruce Gibson: How much money of that original project was salvaged? And, for some reason, Bruce ain't answering. Paavo, neither, though I'm sure Paavo has a very good ballpark guestimate. And I'm sure some of it was utilized by MWH and/or the County, but how much? Do you happen to know what percentage was usable?

Anonymous said...

There is a reason that Ron is not taken seriously!

Too much hot air and no substance.

Ron said...

Ann writes:

"Isn't that the question Ron asked of Bruce Gibson: How much money of that original project was salvaged? And, for some reason, Bruce ain't answering. Paavo, neither... "

There's a fun update to that.

If we remember, Bruce actually did answer my question (in a roundabout way) and his answer was, of course, weasily:

"This type of audit would not provide anything more than information that is already publically available," Gibson wrote (on his spell-checkless email software).

That's downright insulting. Jeez.

Then he wrote, "Concerns regarding the expenditure of the earlier bond proceeds should be raised with the current LOCSD Board."

So, being the good, little reporter that I am, I took his advice, and sent the LOCSD Board a version of this question:

"How much money of that original project was salvaged?"

Keep in mind, until there's an official answer to that great question, that means the ENTIRE $20-some million that the 1999 - 2005 LOCSD Boards wasted on their Tri-W disaster, was... well, completely wasted.

AND, again, as I first exposed just last year, more than 4,000 PZ property owners are STILL paying for that disaster... until the year 2034.

The LOCSD Board never replied, either.

So, I then sent that extremely important question to the LOCSD accountant, and she never replied either.

So, I then sent that question to the LOCSD GM, and, after some back-and-forth, she sent me a page of something, but, of course, it didn't even come close to answering my excellent question.

So, I asked her if she could send me an answer that looked something like this:

"$x,xxx,xxx.xx," except with numbers.

But, of course, she never replied to that question, either.

So, clearly, Bruce is wrong... again.

So, now, the update is this: I'm going to contact MY Supervisor, Debbie Arnold, and ask HER to simply ask Paavo a version of this question, "Uh, Paavo, were you able to salvage one penny of that $20 million, or was it ALL completely wasted on the Tri-W disaster, and now more than 4,000 PZ property owners are now just stuck funding a fraud for the next 20 years. If you were able to salvage anything, how much? And a ballpark figure is fine."

UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE: More than 4,000 PZ property owners are paying for a project that will never exist, several of those property owners contact Bruce, just because they want to know where their money is going, and his response is:

"This type of audit would not provide anything more than information that is already publically (sic) available."

Wow, that guy's got a strange re-election strategy: "You more than 4,000 PZ property owners want to know where your money is going? Go dig that answer out of a gigantic stack of documents yourselves, losers."

(He must have Tom Fulks running his campaign, is my guess.)

Anonymous said...

Lets all have some fun: Let's start a letter campaign and parade in front of the BOS every week to demand that ALL the cost of the Los Osos sewer be spread over each and every taxpayer in SLO County!

Yes, that would be the fair solution to the Schicker CSD halting construction! Thanks Lisa! Thanks every month.

Anonymous said...

What is Crawford's bottom line?

Mayor of LO? Apology for firing him from a defunct newspaper? $$$$ for his "expose's"? Some sort of financial reward for LO taxpayers?

Why would an out-of-towner keep playing his game. Even the BOS's ignore him, so why is Ann Calhoun still allowing him space on a poetry blog? Why does Ann keep churning the past sewer history? Is she planning to join yet another lawsuit against the County, State and USA?

Time to let go of the sewer Ann and move on with what life you have left. It's only making you a bitter person!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

I don't have figure for the collection system out of the $17 million sold in bonds, but it was $5 million to redo the plans so the pipes could go out of town. Perspective.

Anonymous said...

Can someone call Lou and tell him to take out the trash 'cause she's still posting?

Anonymous said...

Does Anon 2:58 have any answers or is just trying to be funny.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 11:16, You make a good point—what is Ron after? Well, here's how I see it:

1. Ron doesn't want to do his homework, i.e. make formal public records requests to figure out where the bond money went. He wants someone else to do his work. I'm glad he doesn't bother though. The CSD is really short staffed, and it has been shorter and shorter, since the bankruptcy.

2. Ron has an obsessive need to fill, that he is right about Los Osos and Tri-W. Believing it himself isn't apparently enough, he needs others to validate his opinion. Preferably public officials who got elected or have serious and high paying jobs. But his need will never be filled as he can't even get agreement from us, his (mostly) unknown readers, hence this mental illness on display over and over. (Ron has no self awareness of how he looks doing this.)

3. Ron is stuck in a time warp, unwilling to move forward.

4. Ron secretly wants to live in Los Osos, shown by his inability to write about much other than his sewer obsession.

5. Ron has lost all credibility with officials that he asks for information due to bludgeoning them with pointless requests always couched in politics, but he always seems surprised that he gets the reactions that he does.

6. Ron does not want to have a dialogue over what happened here or listen to other viewpoints, he remains convinced that he has all the answers no matter what the facts show.

7. Ron is thrilled that I wrote this much about him!

Which brings me to my next point - I like to write, especially on things Los Osos sewer. The odd psychological traits that led a town to this craziness is further layered by California law which encourages the unwashed public to participate in what are essentially public works projects. FASCINATING! (I am reading a new book which is shedding some light on this situation, MORAL TRIBES - EMOTION, REASON, AND THE GAP BETWEEN US AND THEM by Joshua Greene.) So I am quite grateful to Ann for providing a place to write about this stuff as I really can't seem to get up the gumption to write over on Ron's blog.

Anonymous said...

Bingo, Lynette! You've described hin perfectly.

Churadogs said...

Absolutely fascinating. A very, very simple question. "Ballpark (not even exact) figures, how much of the original bond for the Ponds of Avalon were able to be utilized on the present project?" And NO ONE wants to answer that very simple question. Instead, you guys all show up to chew on one anothers' ankles.

Yes, Toonces, the "odd psychological traits that led a town to this craziness" is quite a deep topic. Some of the pathology is on display in the comment section by my anonymous FanBoys & Girls.

Ron, you might ask Supervisor Meacham to ask Paavo, too. He likes to publicly appear like he's concerned with cost on this project (asking to delay yet another contract price add-on until he could allow the public time to scrutinize the details.) You just got to know Paavo has the ball park figure. Why it's being considered a state secret is beyond me. All projects that have course changes will lose X% of the previously allotted $. It's no secret, just part of any project. That's what makes this so fascinating.

And fun. Anon 11:16 am thinks I'm a bitter person. Errrnkkk, Wrong. I'm a very happy person and find this whole subject great fun and utterly fascinating. I mean it's soooo Pavlovian. Look at this posting. A simple link to Ron's latest update to his Great Quest, and ka-Boom! 27 comments! Snarling! Ankle Chewing! Ridiculous Made Up Stuff! Fury! Projections! More Made Up Stuff! Name Calling! All this thrashing around over ancient history and a very simple question.

Pure Pavlov. Purely fascinating.

Which is why Ron is having so much fun. Me too.

Toonces does have a point. The topic is absolutely fascinating and certainly worthy of discussing, but that's only possible if people are willing to be . . . sane . . . about it. Which, so far, isn't happening. Any discussion goes off into the crazy ditch. Which is why anybody seriously looking at the whole Los Osos Sewer Wars has to walk away shaking their heads in disbelief.

Anonymous said...

In conclusion, the so called sewer wars has always been just a "fun" game to both Ann and Ron.

Probably why no serious person looking into the convoluted history will enter the meaningless discourse.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann! For the sake of these "blogs," I'm going to remain anonymous.

I don't mind Ron, personally, because he has every right to write what he wants to write. Likewise, Lynette has every right to say what she wants to say. I just so happen to disagree with her positions on the sewer and how she handles that disagreement.

You see, Lynette has attacked my husband on the blogs. I came across these attacks one day after Ann reminded me at a LOCSD meeting that she wrote something about the sewer on her blog. I was also forwarded more comments made by her about me and my husband under several "identities," whatever you want to call them.

Lynette, I don't appreciate you going after Ron and going after my husband and people like Julie. You keep repeating yourself. You've berated people at CSD meetings for being repetitious about their comments but you do the same. The only difference between the "unwashed" BOS speakers and you is that you harass people personally, and you have a proven track record of doing just that.

I read recently that you compared George Taylor to Newtown shooter Adam Lanza. I take offense to that. George and Gewynn are my friends. That's disgusting. I think your behavior is absolutely deplorable. When I was told that you had a "sewer-obsessed blog," the word "psychopath" came to mind.

Lynette, leave Ron alone and find some other hobby.


Anonymous said...

Please don't try to justify your own disgusting bleatings at CSD and BOS meetings. You really are pathetic to even mention George's killing of Gwynn.

and F..k Ron, he is a drunken thrash who is only playing a game with the emotions of LO, even more than you have been trying.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Wow! I'm late to the game today! Thanks Anon 1:15 PM for your on-target comment.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

The hard part about trying to just put down the facts, is that the "facts" don't seem to be accepted as "facts" by everyone.

Let's start here. In 1998 the town decided to form a CSD to avoid a County-buit sewer over by the middle school. The sewer planned by the prospective CSD was a pond in the "middle-of-town" (also disputed as the middle).

Do we agree on that?

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well Lynette.
I'm one of the "unwashed" people that you fondly speak of over and over again.

I, for one, don't believe in revisiting and revising history as much as you have. And you wonder why you get yelled at at CSD and LOCAC meetings?

Don't complain about the "unwashed" if you're the foulest smelling one in the bunch with your horrendous comments about people. Ever tried perfume?

Anonymous said...

Try taking a shower once in awhile, you're rather ripe!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

All you have to do is praise the County for their work on the sewer and you get yelled at by the "hate-the-County-five." History has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Churadogs said...

I hope all of you re-read Anon 11:49's comment. Clear, specific, well stated, with no name calling. A well stated quarrel that illuminates rather than flames. This community had real differences of opinion and there were/are all kinds of ways to discuss those differences without falling into the crazy ditch. Here's an excellent example.

Unfortunately, the next comments start heading for the ditch. sigh.

Anonymous sez: "In conclusion, the so called sewer wars has always been just a "fun" game to both Ann and Ron.

Probably why no serious person looking into the convoluted history will enter the meaningless discourse.

8:23 AM, January 05, 2014"

No, Anon, the sewer wars haven't always been a fun game. For years I wrote again and again that people needed to pay attention, that there were critical points where they could/should have made choices that could have led to a better outcome. Being deceived initially set into motion a whole chain of events, pushed along by people who refused to set things right, and a "system" that was set up to prevent self-correction, all of which led to this disaster. Now that the train wreck has happened, the project is finally heading towards a resolution. At this point, it does get "funny" in a black-humor kind of way. Nobody reading a "serious" history of this project could help but laugh since it's soooooo crazy. Interestingly, Ron has been assembling big chunks of that "history" (digging up actual documents, connecting dots) and he just gets trashed for his efforts. Should we consider that "funny" as well?

Lynette speaks of a pathology at work in the Sewer Wars. True. There's "facts," "history" and "methodology" (i.e. how the various narratives were framed and maintained). Then there's the really fascinating stuff -- the Why and the How. (And the Who, which also may account for some of the real heart of what happened here.) I've written for years that the whole sewer thing "isn't rocket science." But it did take truthfulness, which seemed to have gone missing from day one. And common sense, which also went missing. And competent regulatory agencies, and . . and . . . and . . .

Anonymous said...

...and lawsuits because a few individuals didn't get the results they personally wanted. They especially wanted a different "truthfulness"!

No amount of honesty will ever change the closed minds of those activists against a different solution to a problem. Los Osos did require a community wide sewer!!!

Ron said...

Above, I wrote:

"Wow, that guy's got a strange re-election strategy: 'You more than 4,000 PZ property owners want to know where your money is going? Go dig that answer out of a gigantic stack of documents yourselves, losers.' "

And I WISH I would have wrote:

"Wow, that guy's got a strange re-election strategy: 'You more than 4,000 PZ property owners want to know where your money is going? Go dig that answer out of a gigantic stack of documents yourselves, losers. Oh, and vote for me.' "

'toons writes:

"7. Ron is thrilled that I wrote this much about him!"

Wow, 'toons. You finally got something right.

Ann writes:

"Absolutely fascinating."


Anonymous said...

Hee Hee Hee...Ron and Ann are being stupid...again!
They are having to much fun laughing at the expense of the poor folks of Los Osos.

Absolutely fascinating (and nauseating).

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

I hope all of you re-read Anon 11:49's comment. Clear, specific, well stated, with no name calling. A well stated quarrel that illuminates rather than flames.

Polite, yes, but what about all the lies? I think the caveat should be if you politely accuse people of doing horrible things, you need to back those things up with linked examples. Only then can you say stuff like that and be Anonymous. Of course that doesn't matter what you nane yourself if you just want to fling trash for the fun of flinging, as you won't be believed.

So then, what is the point of the "polite disparagement" of 11:49 and how does that illuminate points in the topic of discussion, which are the sewer issues?

Funny how no one agreed or disagreed with the statement I put out there:

"Let's start here. In 1998 the town decided to form a CSD to avoid a County-buit sewer over by the middle school. The sewer planned by the prospective CSD was a pond in the "middle-of-town" (also disputed as the middle)."

But I guess that is beside the point in this "discussion."

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, I'm the Anonymous from earlier.

I don't like ragging on people. I normally don't, but I have to say that this whole conversation on the sewer has warped dramatically to a personality war. I've been dragged into it unfortunately by Mrs. Tornatzky here, who gleefully went on The Tribune to make light of my husband's illness because he just so happened to oppose her point of view.

I find it odd that Lynette refuses to apologize or take personal responsibility for comments she's made. It's like my criticism and the criticism she's received on other blogs doesn't exist. The whole obsession about the BOS speakers being "unwashed" and "malcontents" (who she keeps threatening to stop, by the way) makes me very uncomfortable. I don't want to live in a community where there is so much hate for a group of people. I mean, I don't go around writing about Pandora or Gordon, Richard or Stan all the time on the Internet. I have way better things to do that go on and on about the past.

Calling Ron "drunken trash" is really over the top. By the way, Lynette, I don't speak much at BOS and CSD meetings anymore, and George did not "kill" Gewynn. I brought up comments that you made, that you signed as Lynette Tornatzky. George and Gewynn did nothing to deserve such vile comments from you and Shirley Devine. They were the nicest, kindest people you would ever meet.

Seriously, Lynette, the sewer is coming. You're going to pay the bill with the rest of us. You got what you want. Why are you still full of hate? I just don't understand.

Anonymous said...

I just love people who kill their partners, they are such nice and kind people. A little too "nice" to go on living without each other, oh well. Maybe you are over-thinking your own mental condition, or maybe you are in the planning stages?

PS I'm NOT Lynette and find this whole blog to be as highly entertaining as Ms.Calhoun wants it to keep the sewer wars up front whenever the poetry or dog crap get too boring. Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

PPS There are many others who think like me and Lynette. Careful who you try to insult, we just might not be to fond of you either!

Anonymous said...

No thank you, Lou.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

To Anon 3:42 PM,

A certain former blogger here, or Fanboy actually, made up stuff that I said and handed it out to people and according to you, still is. Not much I can do about someone believing it. I can't admit to or apologize for things that I never said or wrote. You provide no source Anon.! How do you expect anyone here to believe you?

I don't want to live in a community where there is so much hate for a group of people.
There are five people who routinely speak at the BOS. There are a few who blog on here, hard to tell exactly how many with all the Anons. So combine those "hateful" numbers, say ten people, how much "hate" as you call it, is actually pretty small. You may want to reassess your assessments. Or move, if that is just too much "hate" for you.

I have way better things to do that go on and on about the past.
Um, then why are you here? Looks like you enjoy the same things that you don't like in other people - impugning character! (Oops!)

PS, I did not "get what I wanted" as that was Tri-W. I'd have preferred to pay $154 million over $173 million. Ot rather I would have wanted to pay the $84.6 million that it cost in 2001.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Lacey, that you believed everything Fanboy fed you. Lynette never said any of those things. Of course that is hard to prove at this point.
By the way, if George Taylor didn't kill his wife, who did? Should the DA reopen the case?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous here (again!)

I think it's kinda rude to be "outing" people, honestly. Sorry I referred to you as Lynette. You both blog alike. Husband and wife perhaps?

I have no idea who this "Fanboy" is. See, I'm not familiar with the lingo of this blog. It sounds like you guys are talking in some strange language that I'm supposed to get. I do know one person who's criticized Lynette, but I have not spoken to him. When you blame everyone but yourself, it's time to look in the mirror.

The truth is that I saw Lynette's comments as they were posted on CalCoastNews and Tribune under her name. Nothing was handed to me. Actually, I came across the comments one day on here and I saw them. Someone named Mike mentioned something really nasty about my husband, and Lynette was cheering him on as "Sewertoons." I was thinking: What's wrong with these people? Then I did a little digging and came across Lynette's other comments.

I assure you that the comments Lynette made were not made up. I've been called all sorts of things in my life, but a "liar" is not one of them. Then again, I'm not surprised that I'm being accused by Lynette as being one. She always accuses people of what she's done, and it's so juvenile.

I'm not going to get into George and Gewynn. I only wanted to point out that Lynette gratuitously referred to him as a serial killer. Is it really so hard to say, "I disagreed with their positions"? What ever happened to saying "I disagree." I mean, Lynette has personally confronted me and gave me attitude several times at meetings. Is that a lie too, Lynette? I don't know how you can even think your behavior is acceptable in a civil society.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lacey, I'm not Lynette's husband either, just someone who is tired of hearing you whine about Lynette.

You gotta love this fun blog! More to come!!

Anonymous said...

Really? You're guessing who I am again? Who I am is none of your business.

What's so fun about hating people?

Never mind. Don't think I want to know your answer.


Anonymous said...

Grab your plastic bags and have fun!

Anonymous said...

You guys and gals are having too much fun! This really is the place to laugh at the sewer wars and the hand wringers. You all do realize that the sewer is being run by the County, not the LOCSD?

The CSD is now only as a shallow joke. Ann and Ron are laughing at all of you.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Lacey - do you believe everything you read online is real? "If it's on the internet, it must be true." Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's "whining" to correct a cowardly, pathological liar that spits in the eye of the community. Everyone should know.

Anonymous said...

In YOUR case, it's definitely whining! and YOU are as big, if not a bigger, liar than those YOU accuse. Better had your husband the plastic bag!


Anonymous said...

Very disgusting, Lou.

Anonymous said...

Still guessing, and guessing badly! But keep up the fun, you really are so laughable!


Anonymous said...

Does this sound like a rational person who has the need " correct a cowardly, pathological liar that spits in the eye of the community." ?

It's this type of sick person who makes this blog so fun! Don't you just love how she has singled out someone she disagrees with and has to make asinine comments echoing those she thinks she has heard. What a beautiful moron.

Ann Calhoun apparently condones those comments while chastising any opposing comments. Thanks Ann for providing such a wonderful platform to showcase the fun and games in Los Osos. The whole county is laughing at you!

Churadogs said...

OK, you're all off in the ditch. 59 comments and it's all just neener, neener, did so, did not. Some of you have historical quarrels, others of you know what you said and did, but others of you are being spoofed by Anonymice. But over it all is a really serious question that Anon 3:42 raises:

Please read through so many of the comments here. See the malice? They fairly boil with the stuff.


The sewer is ancient history. So why the sheer, driven malice that seems to feed on itself? Seriously. Why?

When the Sewer Wars were underway there was much fear at work and fear makes people mean so you had all kinds of partisan attacks going on by one group or another,some fair, some foul, all politics as usual, caused because each faction was fearful that the other would prevail. ("Anti-Sewer Obstructionists!") But with the County's faux "vote," it was all over. Decided. Done Deal. Sorting through and discussing the rubble doesn't require malice. So where's that coming from?

There's a tiny handful of you simply seething. It's ludicrous. Do you even know where your nastiness is coming from? Or have you become your malice and that's now all you know>

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that every time Lynette is criticized, this random anonymous person shows up to defend her, says the most outlandish things and disappears. Then Lynette pretends the person doesn't exist. Look at the company she keeps, and that tells you what kind of person she really is.

Ron said...

Uhhhh... I overused the word in my previous comment, so, of course, I'm gonna use it again: Wow.

Too fun.

Now, just a quick break from this wonderful craziness to get back to realityland:

Ann writes:

"Ron, you might ask Supervisor Meacham to ask Paavo, too."

I'm SO going to do that.

After watching Hill/Bruce's act towards Meacham at the December 17 meeting, I get the feeling that Meacham would now love the opportunity to help the people of Los Osos, unlike Bruce.

And then I'm going to report that, after I practically begged Bruce to simply ask Paavo where "more than 4,000" PZ property owners' money is going from the "LOCSD WASTE TREATMT" assessment, and Bruce did absolutely nothing, that I had to go to Frank Meacham to get that extremely important question answered.

Oh, that's gonna be a GREAT story. Thanks for the idea, Ann.

Real quick, and this is also fun: In that 2005 editorial I exposed, where the editorial Board of the Trib says that people like Lynette, Lou, Mimi Kalland, Gordon Hensley, and the rest of Los Osos now "owe" people like Lisa Schicker and Julie Tacker "everlasting gratitude," the also write:

"Is it possible for any of the existing design work to be used in a new project?"

Well, Trib, that's an excellent 2014, and one that I've been trying to get answered for over a year now.

So, Trib, WAS "any of the existing design work... used in (the) new project," and, if so, how much?

OR, was the entire $20 million the 1999 - 2005 LOCSD wasted on their Tri-W disaster, uh... completely wasted on the Tri-W disaster, and now more than 4,000 PZers are simply stuck funding a fraud for the next 20 years?

How 'bout some help, Trib, on getting YOUR OWN excellent question answered?

I've said it before, I'm gonna say it again: THE #1 reason the "hideous sewer wars" ever happened in the first place, is because of the Trib's worse-than-nothing reporting/editorials. Absolutely terrible.

And Los Osos's own, Bill Morem, was there the entire time.

Leaves me shaking my head.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Oh Ron, you are so hopeless. Why do you not see that the people of Los Osos don't owe Lisa and Julie anything? To quote the Trib:

"...if the recall proponents make good on their campaign promises by building a sewer system out of town that will cost households less than $205 per month..."

They promised Step collection and a plant out-of-town that THEY would build! THEY BUILT NOTHING, but instead LOST the project! THEY LOST THE PROJECT! They did not promise to LOSE the project and have some other entity BUILD AND CONTROL it.

They promised to "build an overall less expensive system." Now how is $173 million less than $154 million?

But of course you will answer nothing to this because you HAVE to be right.

Don't forget, the VOTERS decided to lose whatever had been invested in the old project. They picked to recall directors and approve Measure B. Half of the voters say, "we told you so." and the other half, plus that extra 20 votes...well, maybe they aren't so thrilled by the outcome.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Oh, and Ron, while you are "researching," you might want to find out how many of the $21 million in bonds issues actually sold, I think it was around $17 million.

Anonymous said...

Ann, so why is Ron, a ridiculous, no-credible, non-Los Osos property owner, allowed to continue the sewer war??????

per your own 8:30 AM post: "When the Sewer Wars were underway there was much fear at work and fear makes people mean so you had all kinds of partisan attacks going on by one group or another,some fair, some foul, all politics as usual, caused because each faction was fearful that the other would prevail. ("Anti-Sewer Obstructionists!") But with the County's faux "vote," it was all over. Decided. Done Deal. Sorting through and discussing the rubble doesn't require malice. So where's that coming from? "

How about cutting off his postings on this blog? He has his own, let him play his game over there. If he wants to continue the game with the BOS, then let him, but please quit giving him and yourself, license to continually stir the old sewer war. It's over as you very well know, yet you seem to be unable to blog more than a week without throwing up some nonsense which is sure to rile those with extreme and diametrically opposed positions.

Let this stupid game stop!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

I think the "question" Anon 3:42 raises is illustrated perfectly by Anon 3:42's own rantings!

Anonymous said...

If Ann wants to halt that type of post, then she has the power to stop it.

Let's see if she means what she says: "There's a tiny handful of you simply seething. It's ludicrous. Do you even know where your nastiness is coming from? Or have you become your malice and that's now all you know>"

Isn't that exactly your mindset Ann? You seethe more than most, you even sue over your own sewer agenda! If the community is to ever get over the extreme divisions, then just let it drop and quit waving your own form of red flag in front the beast, if you can.

Anonymous said...

Go away, Lou. Go back to making Lynette an Oxycontin milk shake.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Ha-ha-ha!!!! This is why it is so tough to give up reading/posting here! Thanks Anon 2:05!

Anonymous said...

I've never met Lou, but be sure to say Hi for me, he's a lucky man to have you beside him.

Anon 2:05 is so damn funny, maybe it's the water he/she/it keeps drinking. :-)

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Aww, thanks Anon 2:42! I will say "hi!"

Anonymous said...

No thanks, Lou.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Lou doesn't read or blog here. Or anywhere where this sewer stuff goes on.

Anonymous said...

but I do and I'm the stupid guesser's worst nightmare and neighbor! Enjoy the fun! There are more like me who are tired of the whiners. sleep well?

Anonymous said...

You're not Lou? Yeah right.

Anonymous said...

Can't sleep? I'm sure to haunt your worst nightmare. Which of your neighbors have you irritated with your constant whining? Hmm, more than you thought.

Kiss, kiss, I'll be right there when or if you close your eyes.

Churadogs said...

Anon 7:18 sez:"Ann and Ron are laughing at all of you."

I can't speak for Ron, but you're incorrect, Anon. I do not laugh at "all of you." I just find the ugly-on-a-stick, cowardly Anonnymice ankle chewers who endlessly show up here to name-call, make up stuff, hurl insults, make up more stuff, well I find those idiots ridiculous. They've boiled themselves in their own malice and seem helplessly trapped in the fury of their own making. One Anonymouse asked a civil question, presented a civil opinion, and look what the response was. Please go back and read the posts. Seriously.

Anon, 1:09 sez:"Let this stupid game stop!"

A serious question. I post a link to Ron's latest bird-dogging post and a handful of you Anonymice show up to chew on each other's ankles, again and again and again. Like you're helpless. Addicted. Like you truly you can't stop yourself. You don't go on Ron's blog. you come here. Why? Why bother? There are no "Sewer Wars." They're over. What Ron's up to is akin to Archeology -- he's tracking through the rubble, digging out bits and pieces. Nothing scary, nothing threatening, all ancient history. Yet here you few are, gnawing on each others' ankle bones like you're trapped, enthralled, helpless.

You few posting here really need to go look in a mirror. What you're seeing in the comment section here is pathology. Ron's latest posting doesn't need any comments, except maybe saying, Hmmm, O.K. Thanks for sharing. That's all.

Anon 1;09 sez: "Let this stupid game stop?" Good Idea. I know a very simple way for that to happen. I suspect you also know how to accomplish that as well, don't you?

Alon Perlman said...

Rusty Jokes can't sleep

Odd stunted trolls leave their stalls to patrol the digitally enhanced enchanted forest.

In their wakes wet slip like slitherd snakes the seeds of rumor take tears slake tap root.

At first light the innocents of the nearby villages come scurry out to cherry pick fat pat phrases.

Their piecemeal mincemeat pies retain the aromas of the lies and just a Nightshade of Belladonna.

And in the eve the festered feast repeats, as it the dining din goes on has done so since the dawning.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Alon.

Ron said...

'toons writes:


Well, if you could read, and understand things, you would know that is completely inaccurate.

They did the VERY smart thing -- they voted to support AB 2701, which gave the project to the county, and just let the county do all the work.


Out of town. "$160/month."

They accomplished their agenda without having to lift a finger. Smoooooth.

And, now, because $160/month is less that "$205/month," AND because the sewer plant isn't in the middle of Los Osos you, 'toons, and Lou, Joyce Albright, Bob Semonsen, Frank Freiler, Gary Karner, and... oh, what the heck, I'll toss Barbara Wolcott in there as well, now "owe" Julie and Lisa, and Chuck and Steve and John, "everlasting gratitude," according to the Trib.

Of course, the REALLY fun thing is, the project that the county is building today, is the EXACT same project that came out of the "October compromise," back in 2005 -- plant out of town, gravity collection system.

But there was NO WAY the recallees/losers were going to let THAT happen, obviously.

So, that's kinda funny.

An anonaloser writes:

"It's over..."

That's also completely inaccurate, of course... you know, considering the source.

It won't be over until 2034, when you finally don't have to pay for the Tri-W assessment fraud anymore.

Any doubts? Just look at your property tax bill, or read this.

In fact, y'all are set to be fleeced again, in less than a month, starting on February 1.

That doesn't sound like "it's over" to me.

[Oh, and that reminds me, I've been meaning to use the SLO County Auditor/Tax Collector's new report-a-fraud web site, to report that the SLO County Auditor/Tax Collector is collecting on a fraud. Hopefully, I can get around do doing that this week.]

[Cool poem, Alon.]

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Great poem Alon!

I don't have time to write more than this - the guestimate for the sewer costs was NOT $160/mo. in 2007! It was $200/mo.!

Alon Perlman said...

There is a reply to comment function apparently in the archived form . testing to see if this post appends to my earlier comment (Thumbdraft Android poem 1.0) or stacks at the end of the line as comment 82.

Anonymous said...

It's me, the Anonymous, again.

I think I see clearly what the problem is in Los Osos. It's the lack of mental health services that are available in this county, and there are people who channel their illness into this sewer debacle. That's where the hate is coming from, Ann.

I find it very interesting to see Alon Perlman here. He helped jog my memory of who the "Fanboy" is. First off, he has a name. And two, he's got quite the story to tell about you, Alon. Oh, and I'm not "supposed" to mention him here, I was told. Weird, but okay.

If memory serves correctly, you basically threatened his family and spread all this defamatory gossip that he was some "cyber-criminal" from Orange County. Apparently, you went on CalCoast to say that he was mocking that teenage girl who was murdered in Santa Maria... Destiny Meyers or something. Then you went to the Santa Maria Sun and told someone there that he was behind some anonymous attacks on that girl.

He told me he reported you to the police and LOCAC. I don't know what happened after that except I spoke to Linde Owen, who served on LOCAC, and she read your harassing e-mails to him.

And aren't you the same Alon Perlman who basically walked into the Community Center drunk, jammed a finger in Lisa Schicker's face and said something along the lines of, "You didn't support me even though I'm more qualified than Karen Vendetti" blah-blah-blah. And aren't you the same Alon Perlman that got kicked out of CCLO meetings because you got into scraps with Al Barrow?

I remember bumping into you at the supermarket and you told me, "Don't listen to the Fanboy. Don't read the fanboy" blah-blah-blah. You know, I haven't seen so much vitriolic hatred directed at one person before.


Anonymous said...

Someone should jab a finger at Schicker's face. What a piece of work. BTW, I've never seen Alon drunk in public. Hard to understand occasionally, because English is not his first language. Give it a rest, Lacey. You look like a fool.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Anon 2:47, you are full of CR#P about Alon. A TOTAL bunch of lies.

Anonymous said...

Schicker should be wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Ron, you don't seem to "get" that AB2701 was NOT a Lisa board decision to "vote" on. This was a State Assembly bill, which every single elected representative voted to support across party lines. Then the governor signed it into law. The State took the authority to do a sewer project AWAY from the CSD!

The Lisa board did NOT want the County to do the work, they tried to KEEP the project. Then, when that wasn't possible, they wanted to have a joint powers over the sewer with the County! They threw every possible rock in the way of anyone attempting to take over the project!

When you say,
Of course, the REALLY fun thing is, the project that the county is building today, is the EXACT same project that came out of the "October compromise," back in 2005 -- plant out of town, gravity collection system.

Lisa testified at the 2005 Water Board hearings that there was NO PLAN! Out of town, yes, but there was NEVER a plan as to what would be built out-of-town. Julie is STILL complaining about the County's plant design at the BOS meetings last November and December.

You act like the Lisa board GAVE the project to the County. They didn't. The STATE took the project from the CSD.

Churadogs said...

Anon 2:47 sez:"I think I see clearly what the problem is in Los Osos. It's the lack of mental health services that are available in this county, and there are people who channel their illness into this sewer debacle. That's where the hate is coming from, Ann."

Sadly, the county is woefully lacking in proper mental health programs. While I suspect a few "Sewer Crazies" who post here are indeed pathological, I think many who post here are stuck in a quarrel that they've been unable to resolve or get past. So they return to it again and hoping to get some resolution. In addition, it sounds from some comments, like the quarrel is strictly personal and has nothing to do with a sewer, it was a personal insult or pointless, mean cruelty that's unresolved. And there's some posters who seem to feed off their own malice and use it to ramp themselves up into a helpless fury and blither off into the Crazy Weeds. And, oddly, I suspect from some of the comments, there's a few who somehow feel threatened by Ron's postings, like somehow the stuff he's posting will somehow "stop the sewer." I know, irrational. They don't seem to see that Ron's doing historical archeology, so to speak. Nothing to go all Postal over. Just interesting infill tidbits on an AMAZING story.

In my Stan Gufstafson-winning Iowa office posting (above) I had to laugh at the idea of Stan trying to 'splain The Hideous Sewer Wars to anybody in Iowa. Can you imagine? Even if he tried, they'd think he was delusional.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't wake up and think to myself, "I'm going to start a fight today." It's just that I've reached a boiling point with some of these "Sewer Crazies."

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Understanding the Hideous Los Osos Sewer Wars would require at least two years of college-level study to grasp a word of what he was saying if he tried to explain!

Sewertoons AKA Lynette Tornatzky said...

Wow--- my comment vanished! Monitoring?

Churadogs said...

Toonces sez:"Wow--- my comment vanished! Monitoring?"

No, the blog's acting goofy. The last three comments were bounced to my email for monitoring. That usually only happens after the time limit for comments has passed. And, yes, understanding the Sewer Wars would require years of study just to keep it all straight. There's a reason Ron keeps referring to it as a great Story. It's a hell of a Story.

Anon 10.02. I understand. It can be Eyeball Rolling Time. But there's a fix for boiling Points. Don't read the Sewer Crazies (truly, they're not worth a moment's concern.) Consider them like ridiculous angry hornets buzzing outside a window screen. Interesting noise, but meaningless. Plus, there's lot's of other stuff you can comment on. You sound like a sane person so I'm sure you've got lots of interesting things to contribute and I certainly post waaaayyy more blogs on other topics than the occasional links to what Ron's up to. Plenty of options here.