
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prop 8, More Talk

Aaron Ochs, over at has some additional important comments on Prop 8. Yep, we all gotta talk and really think about what Prop 8 really is all about.


Sandra said...

It's interesting that California's vote has had so much national focus when the numerous other states that have voted for similar measures have not warranted a blip. I guess it just shows that there is a not so subliminal acceptance that California is in the forefront of most issues - not only environmental, but also social.

Alon Perlman said...

People, Four Years ago, a Defense of Marriage Act in several States brought out a number of voters who would not otherwise have voted. This was the Margin that gave us 4 more years of the George Monarchy. My point?- BOGUS Issue
1. It's just elemental politics.
2. It's used because it works.
3. It was perfectly predictable.
4. It contains "framing" - A prepacked set of statements that predict the opposition to it. Framing anticipates the counter arguments and provides counter- counter arguments.
5. It can only exist as an issue if it is accepted as a valid issue by people who seem "Normal". Like us.
6. It is best if the proposed legislation can't actually change anything, you wouldn't want to actually change anything or your issue will evaporate and you will have to start all over.

It has to have the following sub elements
- A conspiracy : there has to be someone evil, spies are everywhere.
-There has to be a victim, Innocent helpless and most importantly unable to speak for themselves. So you have to.
-People who don't understand the Logic are "brainwashed".
-People who don't understand the Urgency are Complacent or Dupes
It has to be an outrage but it can't be Uncomfortable. This is the issue that people are going to go to to escape "The War" or "The Economy".

This is just a formula, to get people to the polls. Although it can also be ridden in to Office by local Office seekers, it existed in 2004 in order to influence the national Election. It will be back at the next election. Tomorrow we will fall for something else.

You are not brainwashed You are not brainwashed You are not brainwashed You are not brainwashed. You are not brainwashed. Stop reading. Start again. You are not brainwashed. You are not brainwashed. You are not brainwashed

Watershed Mark said...

Except the "BOGUS Issue, as you wrote, this time gave "us" a black and white President, for a change.

Churadogs said...

Alon's nailed the Rovian/Lee Atwater Wedge Issue strategy on the head.

As for Mark's comment, I think a log of people may be overlooking that for many, many voters, this election gave us, not a "black" president, but a COMPETENT president, for a huge change.

Watershed Mark said...

As for "compentency" time will tell.
As always there willbe many chakllenges seen and unforseen.